Milovan  Fustic
Milovan Fustic
Nazarbayev University
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Seismic geomorphology and sedimentology of a tidally influenced river deposit, Lower Cretaceous Athabasca oil sands, Alberta, Canada
SM Hubbard, DG Smith, H Nielsen, DA Leckie, M Fustic, RJ Spencer, ...
AAPG bulletin 95 (7), 1123-1145, 2011
Counter point bar deposits: lithofacies and reservoir significance in the meandering modern Peace River and ancient McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada
DG Smith, SM Hubbard, DA Leckie, M Fustic
Sedimentology 56 (6), 1655-1669, 2009
25-Norhopanes: Formation during biodegradation of petroleum in the subsurface
B Bennett, M Fustic, P Farrimond, H Huang, SR Larter
Organic Geochemistry 37 (7), 787-797, 2006
Massive dominance of Epsilonproteobacteria in formation waters from a Canadian oil sands reservoir containing severely biodegraded oil
CRJ Hubert, TBP Oldenburg, M Fustic, ND Gray, SR Larter, K Penn, ...
Environmental microbiology 14 (2), 387-404, 2012
Recognition of down-valley translation in tidally influenced meandering fluvial deposits, Athabasca Oil Sands (Cretaceous), Alberta, Canada
M Fustic, SM Hubbard, R Spencer, DG Smith, DA Leckie, B Bennett, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 29 (1), 219-232, 2012
Downstream-migrating fluvial point bars in the rock record
M Ghinassi, A Ielpi, M Aldinucci, M Fustic
Sedimentary Geology 334, 66-96, 2016
Stratigraphy of counter-point-bar and eddy-accretion deposits in low-energy meander belts of the Peace-Athabasca Delta, northeast Alberta, Canada
DG Smith, SM Hubbard, JR Lavigne, DA Leckie, M Fustic
Reservoir characterization and multiscale heterogeneity modeling of inclined heterolithic strata for bitumen-production forecasting, McMurray Formation, Corner, Alberta, Canada
AW Martinius, M Fustic, DL Garner, BVJ Jablonski, RS Strobl, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 82, 336-361, 2017
Stratigraphic dip analysis–A novel application for detailed geological modeling of point bars, and predicting bitumen grade, McMurray Formation, Muskeg River Mine, northeast …
M Fustic
Natural Resources Research 16 (1), 31-43, 2007
Bitumen and heavy oil geochemistry: a tool for distinguishing barriers from baffles in oil sands reservoirs
M Fustic, B Bennett, J Adams, H Huang, B MacFarlane, DA Leckie, ...
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 59 (4), 295-316, 2011
Fluvial to tidal transition zone facies in the McMurray Formation (Christina River, Alberta, Canada), with emphasis on the reflection of flow intensity in bottomset architecture
AM Allard W. Martinius, Bryce J.V. Jablonski, Milovan Fustic, Rudy Strobl ...
Developments in Sedimentology, Fluvial-Tidal Sedimentology, Edition: 68 …, 2015
Impact of reservoir heterogeneity and geohistory on the variability of bitumen properties and on the distribution of gas-and water-saturated zones in the Athabasca oil sands …
M Fustic, B Bennett, SM Hubbard, H Huang, T Oldenburg, S Larter
AAPG Special Volumes, 2013
Differential entrapment of charged oil–New insights on McMurray Formation oil trapping mechanisms
M Fustic, B Bennett, H Huang, S Larter
Marine and Petroleum Geology 36 (1), 50-69, 2012
A critical review of CO2 mineral trapping in sedimentary reservoirs–from theory to application: Pertinent parameters, acceleration methods and evaluation workflow
S Khandoozi, R Hazlett, M Fustic
Earth-Science Reviews, 104515, 2023
Reservoir and bitumen heterogeneity in Athabasca oil sands
M Fustic, K Ahmed, S Brough, B Bennett, L Bloom, M Asgar-Deen, ...
Proceedings of the CSPG-CSEG-CWLS Joint Convention, Canadian Society of …, 2006
Reservoir modeling by constraining stochastic simulation to deterministically interpreted three-dimensional geobodies: Case study from Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Long …
M Fustic, D Thurston, A Al-Dliwe, DA Leckie, D Cadiou
AAPG Special Volumes, 2013
Counter point bars in modern meandering rivers: recognition of morphology, lithofacies and reservoir significance, examples from Peace River, AB, Canada
DG Smith, S Hubbard, D Leckie, M Fustic
Sedimentology 56 (6), 1655-1669, 2009
Geological mapping and reservoir characterization of oil sands reservoir by integrating 3D seismic, dipmeter, core descriptions, and analogs in the McMurray Formation, NE Alberta
M Fustic, L Skulski, W Hanson, D Vanhooren, P Bessette, D Hinks, ...
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Search and Discovery Article …, 2008
Anaerobic microbial communities and their potential for bioenergy production in heavily biodegraded petroleum reservoirs
JR de Rezende, TBP Oldenburg, T Korin, WDL Richardson, M Fustic, ...
Environmental Microbiology 22 (8), 3049-3065, 2020
Methods for Recovery of Microorganisms and Intact Microbial Polar Lipids from Oil− Water Mixtures: Laboratory Experiments and Natural Well-Head Fluids
TBP Oldenburg, SR Larter, JJ Adams, M Clements, C Hubert, AK Rowan, ...
Analytical Chemistry 81 (10), 4130-4136, 2009
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Articles 1–20