Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian
Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian
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Nanoscale imaging magnetometry with diamond spins under ambient conditions
G Balasubramanian, IY Chan, R Kolesov, M Al-Hmoud, J Tisler, C Shin, ...
Nature 455 (7213), 648-651, 2008
Ultralong spin coherence time in isotopically engineered diamond
G Balasubramanian, P Neumann, D Twitchen, M Markham, R Kolesov, ...
Nature materials 8 (5), 383-387, 2009
Electric-field sensing using single diamond spins
F Dolde, H Fedder, MW Doherty, T Nöbauer, F Rempp, ...
Nature Physics 7 (6), 459-463, 2011
Quantum register based on coupled electron spins in a room-temperature solid
P Neumann, R Kolesov, B Naydenov, J Beck, F Rempp, M Steiner, ...
Nature Physics 6 (4), 249-253, 2010
Dynamic polarization of single nuclear spins by optical pumping of nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond at room temperature
V Jacques, P Neumann, J Beck, M Markham, D Twitchen, J Meijer, ...
Physical review letters 102 (5), 057403, 2009
Wave–particle duality of single surface plasmon polaritons
R Kolesov, B Grotz, G Balasubramanian, RJ Stöhr, AAL Nicolet, ...
Nature Physics 5 (7), 470-474, 2009
Fluorescence and spin properties of defects in single digit nanodiamonds
J Tisler, G Balasubramanian, B Naydenov, R Kolesov, B Grotz, R Reuter, ...
Acs Nano 3 (7), 1959-1965, 2009
Magnetic spin imaging under ambient conditions with sub-cellular resolution
S Steinert, F Ziem, LT Hall, A Zappe, M Schweikert, N Götz, A Aird, ...
Nature communications 4, 1607, 2013
High sensitivity magnetic imaging using an array of spins in diamond
S Steinert, F Dolde, P Neumann, A Aird, B Naydenov, G Balasubramanian, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (4), 043705-043705-5, 2010
Excited-state spectroscopy of single NV defects in diamond using optically detected magnetic resonance
P Neumann, R Kolesov, V Jacques, J Beck, J Tisler, A Batalov, L Rogers, ...
New Journal of Physics 11 (1), 013017, 2009
Temporal coherence of photons emitted by single nitrogen-vacancy defect centers in diamond using optical Rabi-oscillations
A Batalov, C Zierl, T Gaebel, P Neumann, IY Chan, G Balasubramanian, ...
Physical review letters 100 (7), 077401, 2008
Room temperature high-fidelity holonomic single-qubit gate on a solid-state spin
S Arroyo-Camejo, A Lazariev, SW Hell, G Balasubramanian
Nature communications 5, 4870, 2014
Nitrogen-vacancy color center in diamond—emerging nanoscale applications in bioimaging and biosensing
G Balasubramanian, A Lazariev, SR Arumugam, D Duan
Current opinion in chemical biology 20, 69-77, 2014
Enhanced generation of single optically active spins in diamond by ion implantation
B Naydenov, V Richter, J Beck, M Steiner, P Neumann, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (16), 163108-163108-3, 2010
Highly efficient FRET from a single nitrogen-vacancy center in nanodiamonds to a single organic molecule
J Tisler, R Reuter, A Lämmle, F Jelezko, G Balasubramanian, ...
ACS nano 5 (10), 7893-7898, 2011
CVD diamond for spintronics
ML Markham, JM Dodson, GA Scarsbrook, DJ Twitchen, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 20 (2), 134-139, 2011
Nickel related optical centres in diamond created by ion implantation
JO Orwa, I Aharonovich, F Jelezko, G Balasubramanian, P Balog, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (9), 093512-093512-5, 2010
Efficient nitrogen-vacancy centers’ fluorescence excitation and collection from micrometer-sized diamond by a tapered optical fiber in endoscope-type configuration
D Duan, GX Du, VK Kavatamane, S Arumugam, YK Tzeng, HC Chang, ...
Optics express 27 (5), 6734-6745, 2019
Sub-optical resolution of single spins using magnetic resonance imaging at room temperature in diamond
C Shin, C Kim, R Kolesov, G Balasubramanian, F Jelezko, J Wrachtrup, ...
Journal of Luminescence 130 (9), 1635-1645, 2010
Efficient route to high-bandwidth nanoscale magnetometry using single spins in diamond
G Puentes, G Waldherr, P Neumann, G Balasubramanian, J Wrachtrup
Scientific reports 4 (1), 1-6, 2014
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Articles 1–20