Katharine G. Abraham
Katharine G. Abraham
Distinguished University Professor of Economics and Survey Methodology, University of Maryland
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Firms' use of outside contractors: Theory and evidence
KG Abraham, SK Taylor
Journal of labor economics 14 (3), 394-424, 1996
Experience, performance, and earnings
JL Medoff, KG Abraham
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 95 (4), 703-736, 1980
Job duration, seniority, and earnings
KG Abraham, HS Farber
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1986
Cyclical unemployment: sectoral shifts or aggregate disturbances?
KG Abraham, LF Katz
Journal of political Economy 94 (3, Part 1), 507-522, 1986
The changing face of job loss in the United States, 1981-1995
HS Farber, J Haltiwanger, KG Abraham
Brookings papers on economic activity. Microeconomics 1997, 55-142, 1997
Are those paid more really more productive? The case of experience
JL Medoff, KG Abraham
Journal of Human resources, 186-216, 1981
Real wages and the business cycle
KG Abraham, JC Haltiwanger
Journal of economic literature 33 (3), 1215-1264, 1995
Beyond the market: Designing nonmarket accounts for the United States
C Mackie, KG Abraham
National Academies Press, 2005
Measuring the gig economy: Current knowledge and open issues
K Abraham, J Haltiwanger, K Sandusky, J Spletzer
Measuring and Accounting for Innovation in the 21st Century, 2017
Restructuring the employment relationship: The growth of market-mediated work arrangements
KG Abraham
New developments in the labor market: Toward a new institutional paradigm …, 1990
Does Employment Protection Inhibit Labor Market Flexibility? Lessons from Germany, France, and Belgium, in Social Protection vs. Economic Flexibility. Is There a Tradeoff …
K Abraham, S Houseman
University of Chicago Press, 1994
Nonresponse in the American time use Survey: Who is missing from the data and how much does it matter?
KG Abraham, A Maitland, SM Bianchi
International Journal of Public Opinion Quarterly 70 (5), 676-703, 2006
Help-wanted advertising, job vacancies, and unemployment
KG Abraham, M Wachter
Brookings papers on economic activity 1987 (1), 207-248, 1987
Explaining the decline in the US employment-to-population ratio: A review of the evidence
KG Abraham, MS Kearney
Journal of Economic Literature 58 (3), 585-643, 2020
Why is the unemployment rate so very high near full employment?
LH Summers, KG Abraham, ML Wachter
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1986 (2), 339-396, 1986
Flexible staffing arrangements and employers' short-term adjustment strategies
KG Abraham
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1988
Length of service and layoffs in union and nonunion work groups
KG Abraham, JL Medoff
ILR Review 38 (1), 87-97, 1984
Structural/frictional vs. deficient demand unemployment: some new evidence
KG Abraham
The American Economic Review 73 (4), 708-724, 1983
Earnings inequality in Germany
KG Abraham, SN Houseman
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1993
Financial aid and students’ college decisions: Evidence from the District of Columbia Tuition Assistance Grant Program
KG Abraham, MA Clark
Journal of Human resources 41 (3), 578-610, 2006
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