Adaptive design optimization: A mutual information-based approach to model discrimination in cognitive science DR Cavagnaro, JI Myung, MA Pitt, JV Kujala Neural computation 22 (4), 887-905, 2010 | 217 | 2010 |
A tutorial on adaptive design optimization JI Myung, DR Cavagnaro, MA Pitt Journal of mathematical psychology 57 (3-4), 53-67, 2013 | 169 | 2013 |
Short abstinence from online social networking sites reduces perceived stress, especially in excessive users O Turel, DR Cavagnaro, D Meshi Psychiatry research 270, 947-953, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
Discriminating among probability weighting functions using adaptive design optimization DR Cavagnaro, MA Pitt, R Gonzalez, JI Myung Journal of risk and uncertainty 47, 255-289, 2013 | 88 | 2013 |
Transitive in our preferences, but transitive in different ways: an analysis of choice variability. DR Cavagnaro, CP Davis-Stober Decision 1 (2), 102, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
On the functional form of temporal discounting: An optimized adaptive test DR Cavagnaro, GJ Aranovich, SM McClure, MA Pitt, JI Myung Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 52, 233-254, 2016 | 80 | 2016 |
Optimal decision stimuli for risky choice experiments: An adaptive approach DR Cavagnaro, R Gonzalez, JI Myung, MA Pitt Management science 59 (2), 358-375, 2013 | 79 | 2013 |
Measuring institutional investors’ skill at making private equity investments DR Cavagnaro, BA Sensoy, Y Wang, MS Weisbach The Journal of Finance 74 (6), 3089-3134, 2019 | 72 | 2019 |
Effect of abstinence from social media on time perception: Differences between low-and at-risk for social media “addiction” groups O Turel, D R. Cavagnaro Psychiatric Quarterly 90 (1), 217-227, 2019 | 52 | 2019 |
Behavioural social choice: a status report M Regenwetter, B Grofman, A Popova, W Messner, CP Davis-Stober, ... Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
Model discrimination through adaptive experimentation DR Cavagnaro, MA Pitt, JI Myung Psychonomic bulletin & review 18, 204-210, 2011 | 46 | 2011 |
Heterogeneity and parsimony in intertemporal choice. M Regenwetter, DR Cavagnaro, A Popova, Y Guo, C Zwilling, SH Lim, ... Decision 5 (2), 63, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
Heterogeneity and parsimony in intertemporal choice. Decision, 5 (2), 63–94 M Regenwetter, DR Cavagnaro, A Popova, Y Guo, C Zwilling, SH Lim, ... | 43 | 2018 |
Individual differences in the algebraic structure of preferences CP Davis-Stober, N Brown, DR Cavagnaro Journal of Mathematical Psychology 66, 70-82, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
Tutorial on removing the shackles of regression analysis: How to stay true to your theory of binary response probabilities. M Regenwetter, DR Cavagnaro Psychological methods 24 (2), 135, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Mathematical modeling DR Cavagnaro, JI Myung, MA Pitt, J Myung The Oxford handbook of quantitative methods 1, 438-453, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
A model-based analysis of decision making under risk in obsessive-compulsive and hoarding disorders GJ Aranovich, DR Cavagnaro, MA Pitt, JI Myung, CA Mathews Journal of psychiatric research 90, 126-132, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
QTest 2.1: Quantitative testing of theories of binary choice using Bayesian inference CE Zwilling, DR Cavagnaro, M Regenwetter, SH Lim, B Fields, Y Zhang Journal of Mathematical Psychology 91, 176-194, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Transitive in our preferences, but transitive in different ways: An analysis of choice variability. Decision, 1 (2), 102–122 DR Cavagnaro, CP Davis-Stober | 22 | 2014 |
Model evaluation and selection JI Myung, DR Cavagnaro, MA Pitt New handbook of mathematical psychology 1, 552-598, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |