Tiziano Ropele
Tiziano Ropele
Economist, Bank of Italy
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Macroeconomic determinants of bad loans: evidence from Italian banks
M Bofondi, T Ropele
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper No. 89, 2011
Inflation expectations and firm decisions: New causal evidence
O Coibion, Y Gorodnichenko, T Ropele
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 135 (1), 165-219, 2020
Trend inflation, taylor principle, and indeterminacy
G Ascari, T Ropele
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 41 (8), 1557-1584, 2009
Optimal monetary policy under low trend inflation
G Ascari, T Ropele
Journal of monetary Economics 54 (8), 2568-2583, 2007
The impact of the sovereign debt crisis on the activity of Italian banks
U Albertazzi, T Ropele, G Sene, FM Signoretti
Journal of Banking & Finance 46, 387-402, 2014
Disinflation in a DSGE perspective: Sacrifice ratio or welfare gain ratio?
G Ascari, T Ropele
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2011
Imperfect Information, Real‐Time Data and Monetary Policy in the Euro Area*
S Neri, T Ropele
The Economic Journal, 2011
The macroeconomic effects of the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area
S Neri, T Ropele
Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 1007, 2015
The management of interest rate risk during the crisis: evidence from Italian banks
L Esposito, A Nobili, T Ropele
Journal of Banking & Finance 59, 486-504, 2015
Tell me something i don’t already know: Learning in low and high-inflation settings
M Weber, B Candia, H Afrouzi, T Ropele, R Lluberas, S Frache, BH Meyer, ...
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
A quantitative analysis of distortions in managerial forecasts
Y Ma, T Ropele, D Sraer, D Thesmar
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
The role of fiscal policy in a monetary union: are national automatic stabilizers effective?
A Colciago, T Ropele, VA Muscatelli, P Tirelli
Review of International Economics 16 (3), 591-610, 2008
Disinflation effects in a medium-scale new keynesian model: money supply rule versus interest rate rule
G Ascari, T Ropele
European Economic Review 61, 77-100, 2013
Sacrifice ratio in a medium‐scale new Keynesian model
G Ascari, T Ropele
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44 (2‐3), 457-467, 2012
I divari territoriali in Italia tra crisi economiche, ripresa ed emergenza sanitaria
A Accetturo, G Albanese, RM Ballatore, T Ropele, P Sestito
Banca d'Italia, 2022
Disinflationary shocks and inflation target uncertainty
S Neri, T Ropele
Economics Letters 181, 77-80, 2019
The aggregate cost of systematic forecast errors
Y Ma, D Sraer, D Thesmar
Working Paper. Retrieved from https://pdfs. semanticscholar. org/22b6 …, 2018
Perceived economic effects of the war in Ukraine: survey-based evidence from Italian firms
T Ropele, A Tagliabracci
Applied Economics Letters 31 (4), 275-280, 2024
Firms’ inflation expectations and investment plans
A Grasso, T Ropele
Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 1203, 2018
Do managerial forecasting biases matter
Y Ma, T Ropele, D Sraer, D Thesmar
Technical report, Working paper, 2018
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Articles 1–20