Vicki LeBlanc
Vicki LeBlanc
Professor, Dept of Innovation in Med Ed, U of Ottawa
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The effects of acute stress on performance: implications for health professions education
VR LeBlanc
Academic Medicine 84 (10), S25-S33, 2009
A framework for evaluating image segmentation algorithms
JK Udupa, VR Leblanc, Y Zhuge, C Imielinska, H Schmidt, LM Currie, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 30 (2), 75-87, 2006
Interventions to Reduce the Consequences of Stress in Physicians: A Review and Meta-Analysis
C Regehr, D Glancy, A Pitts, VR LeBlanc
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 202 (5), 353-359, 2014
Teaching suturing and knot-tying skills to medical students: a randomized controlled study comparing computer-based video instruction and (concurrent and summary) expert feedback
GJ Xeroulis, J Park, CA Moulton, RK Reznick, V LeBlanc, A Dubrowski
Surgery 141 (4), 442-449, 2007
Predictable chaos: a review of the effects of emotions on attention, memory and decision making
VR LeBlanc, MM McConnell, SD Monteiro
Advances in Health Sciences Education 20, 265-282, 2015
Simulation-based training improves physicians' performance in patient care in high-stakes clinical setting of cardiac surgery
HR Bruppacher, SK Alam, VR LeBlanc, D Latter, VN Naik, GL Savoldelli, ...
Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists 112 …, 2010
Teaching from the clinical reasoning literature: combined reasoning strategies help novice diagnosticians overcome misleading information
KW Eva, RM Hatala, VR LeBlanc, LR Brooks
Medical education 41 (12), 1152-1158, 2007
Residents feel unprepared and unsupervised as leaders of cardiac arrest teams in teaching hospitals: A survey of internal medicine residents*
CW Hayes, A Rhee, ME Detsky, VR Leblanc, RS Wax
Critical care medicine 35 (7), 1668-1672, 2007
Design of simulation-based medical education and advantages and disadvantages of in situ simulation versus off-site simulation
JL Sørensen, D Østergaard, V LeBlanc, B Ottesen, L Konge, P Dieckmann, ...
BMC medical education 17, 1-9, 2017
Threat and challenge: cognitive appraisal and stress responses in simulated trauma resuscitations
A Harvey, AB Nathens, G Bandiera, VR LeBlanc
Medical education 44 (6), 587-594, 2010
Paramedic performance in calculating drug dosages following stressful scenarios in a human patient simulator
VR LeBlanc, RD MacDonald, B McArthur, K King, T Lepine
Prehospital Emergency Care 9 (4), 439-444, 2005
The impact of stress on paramedic performance during simulated critical events
VR LeBlanc, C Regehr, W Tavares, AK Scott, R MacDonald, K King
Prehospital and disaster medicine 27 (4), 369-374, 2012
The impact of stress on paramedic performance during simulated critical events
VR LeBlanc, C Regehr, W Tavares, AK Scott, R MacDonald, K King
Prehospital and disaster medicine 27 (4), 369-374, 2012
Le raisonnement clinique: données issues de la recherche et implications pour l’enseignement
M Nendaz, B Charlin, V Leblanc, G Bordage
Pédagogie médicale 6 (4), 235-254, 2005
Impact of stress on resident performance in simulated trauma scenarios
A Harvey, G Bandiera, AB Nathens, VR LeBlanc
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 72 (2), 497-503, 2012
Efficacy of high-fidelity simulation debriefing on the performance of practicing anaesthetists in simulated scenarios
PJ Morgan, J Tarshis, V LeBlanc, D Cleave-Hogg, S DeSousa, MF Haley, ...
British journal of anaesthesia 103 (4), 531-537, 2009
Methodology for evaluating image-segmentation algorithms
JK Udupa, VR LaBlanc, H Schmidt, C Imielinska, PK Saha, GJ Grevera, ...
Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing 4684, 266-277, 2002
A preliminary study in using virtual reality to train dental students
VR LeBlanc, A Urbankova, F Hadavi, RM Lichtenthal
Journal of Dental Education 68 (3), 378-383, 2004
Surgical skill acquisition with self-directed practice using computer-based video training
N Jowett, V LeBlanc, G Xeroulis, H MacRae, A Dubrowski
The American journal of surgery 193 (2), 237-242, 2007
PTSD, acute stress, performance and decision-making in emergency service workers.
C Regehr, VR LeBlanc
J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 45 (2), 184-192, 2017
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Articles 1–20