David B. Flora
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An empirical evaluation of alternative methods of estimation for confirmatory factor analysis with ordinal data.
DB Flora, PJ Curran
Psychological methods 9 (4), 466, 2004
Development and validation of the multidimensional state boredom scale
SA Fahlman, KB Mercer-Lynn, DB Flora, JD Eastwood
Assessment 20 (1), 68-85, 2013
Trajectories of alcohol and drug use and dependence from adolescence to adulthood: the effects of familial alcoholism and personality.
L Chassin, DB Flora, KM King
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 113 (4), 483, 2004
Development and examination of the social appearance anxiety scale
TA Hart, DB Flora, SA Palyo, DM Fresco, C Holle, RG Heimberg
Assessment 15 (1), 48-59, 2008
Your Coefficient Alpha Is Probably Wrong, but Which Coefficient Omega Is Right? A Tutorial on Using R to Obtain Better Reliability Estimates
DB Flora
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2515245920951747, 2020
Old and new ideas for data screening and assumption testing for exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis
DB Flora, C LaBrish, RP Chalmers
Frontiers in Psychology 3, 2012
The purpose and practice of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in psychological research: Decisions for scale development and validation.
DB Flora, JK Flake
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2017
Treating offenders with mental illness: A research synthesis
RD Morgan, DB Flora, DG Kroner, JF Mills, F Varghese, JS Steffan
Law and Human Behavior, 1-16, 2011
Reporting Effect Sizes in Original Psychological Research: A Discussion and Tutorial
J Pek, DB Flora
Psychological methods 23 (2), 208-225, 2018
Association between maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy and IQ scores in offspring in Canada
R Green, B Lanphear, R Hornung, D Flora, EA Martinez-Mier, R Neufeld, ...
JAMA pediatrics 173 (10), 940-948, 2019
The unity and diversity of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity in ADHD: Evidence for a general factor with separable dimensions
ME Toplak, A Pitch, DB Flora, L Iwenofu, K Ghelani, U Jain, R Tannock
Journal of abnormal child psychology 37, 1137-1150, 2009
Specifying piecewise latent trajectory models for longitudinal data
DB Flora
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 15 (3), 513-533, 2008
The impact of premorbid and postmorbid depression onset on mortality and cardiac morbidity among patients with coronary heart disease: meta-analysis
YW Leung, DB Flora, S Gravely, J Irvine, RM Carney, SL Grace
Psychosomatic Medicine 74 (8), 786-801, 2012
The Measurement of Boredom Differences Between Existing Self-Report Scales
KB Mercer-Lynn, DB Flora, SA Fahlman, JD Eastwood
Assessment 20 (5), 585-596, 2013
Defining risk heterogeneity for internalizing symptoms among children of alcoholic parents
AM Hussong, DB Flora, PJ Curran, LA Chassin, RA Zucker
Development and psychopathology 20 (1), 165-193, 2008
It might not make a big DIF: Improved differential test functioning statistics that account for sampling variability
RP Chalmers, A Counsell, DB Flora
Educational and Psychological Measurement 76 (1), 114-140, 2016
Group psychotherapy with incarcerated offenders: A research synthesis.
RD Morgan, DB Flora
Group dynamics: Theory, research, and practice 6 (3), 203, 2002
Understanding driver anger and aggression: Attributional theory in the driving environment.
CM Wickens, DL Wiesenthal, DB Flora, GL Flett
Journal of experimental psychology: applied 17 (4), 354, 2011
An examination of the underlying dimensional structure of three domains of contaminated mindware: paranormal beliefs, conspiracy beliefs, and anti-science attitudes
J Rizeq, DB Flora, ME Toplak
Thinking & Reasoning 27 (2), 187-211, 2021
Fluoride exposure from infant formula and child IQ in a Canadian birth cohort
C Till, R Green, D Flora, R Hornung, EA Martinez-Mier, M Blazer, ...
Environment International 134, 105315, 2020
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