Muhammad Dure Ahmad
Muhammad Dure Ahmad
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Cited by
Estimating the basic reproductive ratio for the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone
A Khan, M Naveed, M Dur-e-Ahmad, M Imran
Infectious diseases of poverty 4, 1-8, 2015
Optimal control analysis of Ebola disease with control strategies of quarantine and vaccination
MD Ahmad, M Usman, A Khan, M Imran
Infectious diseases of poverty 5, 1-12, 2016
Transmission dynamics model of coronavirus COVID-19 for the outbreak in most affected countries of the world
M Dur-e-Ahmad, M Imran
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2020
Network bursting using experimentally constrained single compartment CA3 hippocampal neuron models with adaptation
M Dur-e-Ahmad, W Nicola, SA Campbell, FK Skinner
Journal of computational neuroscience 33, 21-40, 2012
Transmission dynamics of Zika fever: a SEIR based model
M Imran, M Usman, M Dur-e-Ahmad, A Khan
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 29 (3), 463-486, 2021
A comparison of a deterministic and stochastic model for Hepatitis C with an isolation stage
M Imran, M Hassan, M Dur-E-Ahmad, A Khan
Journal of biological dynamics 7 (1), 276-301, 2013
Calcium dynamics in dendritic spines: A link to structural plasticity
M Dur-e-Ahmad, M Imran, A Gul
Mathematical Biosciences 230 (2), 55-66, 2011
A model of activity-dependent changes in dendritic spine density and spine structure
SM Crook, M Dur-e-Ahmad, SM Baer
Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering 4 (4), 617-631, 2007
Numerical solution of calcium-mediated dendritic branch model
SM Baer, S Crook, M Dur-e-Ahmad, Z Jackiewicz
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 229 (2), 416-424, 2009
Occurrence and seasonal variations of aflatoxin m1 in milk from punjab, pakistan. Toxins, 11 (10): 574
N Akbar, M Nasir, N Naeem, M Ahmad, S Iqbal, A Rashid, M Imran, ...
Online: https://bit. ly/3I1GgWl, 2019
A variant of pseudospectral method for activity-dependent dendritic branch model
M Dur-e-Ahmad, Z Jackiewicz, B Zubik-Kowal, S Crook
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 165 (2), 306-319, 2007
Polynomial solution of singular differential equations using Weighted Sobolev gradients
N Raza, A Javid, S Sial, M Dur-e-Ahmad
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 97 (7), 1545-1561, 2020
A model of activity-dependent changes in dendritic spine density and spine structure
M Dur-e-Ahmad, S Crook, S Baer
BMC Neuroscience 8 (Suppl 2), P91, 2007
Political Consumerism: The Role of Political Socialization in the Development of Voting Preferences of Pakistani Voters
MA Ahmed, MA ul Haq, M Usman, MM Ghafoor, M Ahmad
International Journal of Management (IJM) 11 (8), 2020
Analysis of a mathematical model of emerging infectious disease leading to amphibian decline
M Dur-e-Ahmad, M Imran, A Khan
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (1), 145398, 2014
Exposure to mosquito repellents and the potential risk factors of congestion: a cross-sectional study
M Waleed, M Imran, EAM Dur, A Gul
World Applied Sciences Journal 24 (5), 686-692, 2013
Numerical impact of symmetric two-stream instability on fractional-order plasma model based on specific geometry with LASER light
T Zubair, M Usman, M Ahmad
Indian Journal of Physics 96 (14), 4327-4335, 2022
Link and System-Level NOMA Simulator: The Reproducibility of Research. Electronics 2021, 10, 2388
A Khan, MA Usman, MR Usman, M Ahmad, SY Shin
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Estimating the basic reproductive ratio for the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
AK Adnan Khan, M Naveed, M Dur-e-Ahmad, M Imran
Estimating the basic reproductive ratio for the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone
M Imran, M Dur-e-Ahmad, M Naveed, A Khan
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Articles 1–20