Andreas Buttenschoen
Cited by
Cited by
Bridging from single to collective cell migration: A review of models and links to experiments
A Buttenschön, L Edelstein-Keshet
PLoS computational biology 16 (12), e1008411, 2020
Off-lattice agent-based models for cell and tumor growth: numerical methods, implementation, and applications
P Van Liedekerke, A Buttenschön, D Drasdo
Numerical methods and advanced simulation in biomechanics and biological …, 2018
A space-jump derivation for non-local models of cell–cell adhesion and non-local chemotaxis
A Buttenschön, T Hillen, A Gerisch, KJ Painter
Journal of mathematical biology 76, 429-456, 2018
Nonlocal adhesion models for microorganisms on bounded domains
T Hillen, A Buttenschön
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 80 (1), 382-401, 2020
Non-Local Cell Adhesion Models Symmetries and Bifurcations in 1-D
A Buttenschön, T Hillen
Springer International Publishing, 2021
Agent-based lattice models of multicellular systems: numerical methods, implementation, and applications
D Drasdo, A Buttenschön, P Van Liedekerke
Numerical Methods and Advanced Simulation in Biomechanics and Biological …, 2018
Cops-on-the-dots: The linear stability of crime hotspots for a 1-D reaction-diffusion model of urban crime
A Buttenschoen, T Kolokolnikov, MJ Ward, J Wei
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 31 (5), 871-917, 2020
Cell size, mechanical tension, and GTPase signaling in the single cell
A Buttenschön, Y Liu, L Edelstein-Keshet
Bulletin of mathematical biology 82, 1-33, 2020
Cell repolarization: A bifurcation study of spatio-temporal perturbations of polar cells
A Buttenschön, L Edelstein-Keshet
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 84 (10), 114, 2022
Barnacles vs bullies: Modelling biocontrol of the invasive European green crab using a castrating barnacle parasite
AW Bateman, A Buttenschön, KD Erickson, NG Marculis
Theoretical Ecology 10, 305-318, 2017
Correlated random walks inside a cell: actin branching and microtubule dynamics
A Buttenschön, L Edelstein-Keshet
Journal of Mathematical Biology 79, 1953-1972, 2019
Integro-partial differential equation models for cell-cell adhesion and its application
A Buttenschoen
Development of the University of Alberta High Altitude Balloons Program: Goals, Challenges, and Achievements
L Mazzino, A Buttenschoen, Q Farr, C Hodgson, W Johnson, I Mann, ...
Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference, 27-29, 2012
How Cells Stay Together: A Mechanism for Maintenance of a Robust Cluster Explored by Local and Non-local Continuum Models
A Buttenschön, S Sinclair, L Edelstein-Keshet
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 86 (11), 129, 2024
Support Graph Preconditioners for Off-Lattice Cell-Based Models
J Steinman, A Buttenschön
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.04512, 2024
A digital liver twin demonstrating the interplay between biomechanics and cell kinetics can explain fibrotic scar formation
J Zhao, S Hammad, M de Langlard, P Erdoesi, Y Li, P van Liedekerke, ...
Spatio-temporal mathematical model describing the interplay between biomechanics and cell kinetics during fibrotic scar formation
J Zhao, S Hammad, M de Langlard, P Erdoesi, Y Li, P Van Liedekerke, ...
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 61 (01), P1. 15, 2023
Adhesion-driven patterns in a calcium-dependent model of cancer cell movement
K Kaouri, V Bitsouni, A Buttenschön, R Thul
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.00612, 2020
High Altitude Balloons as a Platform for Space Radiation Belt Science
L Mazzino, A Buttenschoen, Q Farr, C Hodgson, W Johnson, IR Mann, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, SA31A-1948, 2011
The University of Alberta High Altitude Balloon Program
W Johnson, A Buttenschoen, Q Farr, C Hodgson, IR Mann, L Mazzino, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, ED43D-08, 2011
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Articles 1–20