Danielle Keller
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Cited by
Engineering away our natural defenses: an analysis of shoreline hardening in the US
RK Gittman, FJ Fodrie, AM Popowich, DA Keller, JF Bruno, CA Currin, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13 (6), 301-307, 2015
Oyster reefs can outpace sea-level rise
AB Rodriguez, FJ Fodrie, JT Ridge, NL Lindquist, EJ Theuerkauf, ...
Nature climate change 4 (6), 493-497, 2014
Classic paradigms in a novel environment: inserting food web and productivity lessons from rocky shores and saltmarshes into biogenic reef restoration
FJ Fodrie, AB Rodriguez, CJ Baillie, MC Brodeur, SE Coleman, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (5), 1314-1325, 2014
Fiddler crabs facilitate Spartina alterniflora growth, mitigating periwinkle overgrazing of marsh habitat
RK Gittman, DA Keller
Ecology 94 (12), 2709-2718, 2013
Threshold effects of habitat fragmentation on fish diversity at landscapes scales
LA Yeager, DA Keller, TR Burns, AS Pool, FJ Fodrie
Ecology 97 (8), 2157-2166, 2016
Living on the edge: increasing patch size enhances the resilience and community development of a restored salt marsh
RK Gittman, FJ Fodrie, CJ Baillie, MC Brodeur, CA Currin, DA Keller, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 41, 884-895, 2018
Salt marsh shoreline geomorphology influences the success of restored oyster reefs and use by associated fauna
DA Keller, RK Gittman, MC Brodeur, MD Kenworthy, JT Ridge, LA Yeager, ...
Restoration Ecology 27 (6), 1429-1441, 2019
Rough around the edges: Lessons learned and future directions in marine edge effects studies
JM Carroll, DA Keller, BT Furman, AD Stubler
Current Landscape Ecology Reports 4, 91-102, 2019
Movement ecology of a mobile predatory fish reveals limited habitat linkages within a temperate estuarine seascape
MD Kenworthy, JH Grabowski, CA Layman, GD Sherwood, SP Powers, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75 (11), 1990-1998, 2018
Life stage and species identity affect whether habitat subsidies enhance or simply redistribute consumer biomass
DA Keller, RK Gittman, RK Bouchillon, FJ Fodrie
Journal of Animal Ecology 86 (6), 1394-1403, 2017
A survey of benthic invertebrate communities in native and non-native seagrass beds in St. John, USVI
SR Valdez, EC Shaver, DA Keller, JP Morton, YS Zhang, C Wiernicki, ...
Aquatic Botany 175, 103448, 2021
Remarkable euryhalinity of a marine fish Lutjanus novemfasciatus in mangrove nurseries
JD Plumlee, MD Kenworthy, RK Gittman, DA Keller, EE Garnett, ...
Ecology 103 (2), 2022
How the Structure and Spatial Components of Habitat Affect Estuarine Communities
DA Keller
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018
Movement ecology of a mobile predatory fish reveals limited landscape-scale connectivity within a temperate estuary
M Kenworthy, JH Grabowski, C Layman, C Peterson, GD Sherwood, ...
145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 2015
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Articles 1–14