Guillaume Guénard
Guillaume Guénard
Research Assistant, Université de Montréal
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adespatial: Multivariate multiscale spatial analysis
S Dray
CRAN: Contributed Packages, 2016
adespatial: Multivariate multiscale spatial analysis. R package version 0.3-7
S Dray, D Bauman, G Blanchet, D Borcard, S Clappe, G Guenard, ...
Ecological Monographs 82 (3), 2019
Package ‘adespatial’
S Dray, G Blanchet, D Borcard, G Guenard, T Jombart, G Larocque, ...
R package 2018, 3-8, 2018
Palaeohistological evidence for ancestral high metabolic rate in archosaurs
LJ Legendre, G Guénard, J Botha-Brink, J Cubo
Systematic Biology 65 (6), 989-996, 2016
Temporal variation of heavy metal contamination in fish of the river lot in southern France
C Shinn, F Dauba, G Grenouillet, G Guenard, S Lek
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72 (7), 1957-1965, 2009
Phylogenetic eigenvector maps: a framework to model and predict species traits
G Guénard, P Legendre, P Peres‐Neto
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (12), 1120-1131, 2013
Using phylogenetic information to predict species tolerances to toxic chemicals
G Guénard, PC von der Ohe, D de Zwart, P Legendre, S Lek
Ecological Applications 21 (8), 3178-3190, 2011
Using phylogenetic information and chemical properties to predict species tolerances to pesticides
G Guénard, P Carsten von der Ohe, S Carlisle Walker, S Lek, P Legendre
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1789), 20133239, 2014
Package ‘adespatial’: multivariate multiscale spatial analysis
S Dray, G Blanchet, D Borcard, G Guenard, T Jombart, P Legendre, ...
See https://cran. r-project. org/web/packages/adespatial/index. html, 2018
Evolutionary patterns and physicochemical properties explain macroinvertebrate sensitivity to heavy metals
E Malaj, G Guénard, RB Schäfer, PC von der Ohe
Ecological applications 26 (4), 1249-1259, 2016
Hierarchical clustering with contiguity constraint in R
G Guénard, P Legendre
Journal of statistical software 103, 1-26, 2022
Multiscale codependence analysis: an integrated approach to analyze relationships across scales
G Guénard, P Legendre, D Boisclair, M Bilodeau
Ecology 91 (10), 2952-2964, 2010
Underwater infrared video system for behavioral studies in lakes
S Chidami, G Guénard, M Amyot
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 5 (10), 371-378, 2007
Deep learning habitat modeling for moving organisms in rapidly changing estuarine environments: A case of two fishes
G Guénard, J Morin, P Matte, Y Secretan, E Valiquette, M Mingelbier
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 238, 106713, 2020
The bioenergetics of density-dependent growth in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
G Guénard, D Boisclair, O Ugedal, T Forseth, IA Fleming, B Jonsson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69 (10), 1651-1662, 2012
Multivariate multiscale spatial analysis
S Dray, D Bauman, G Blanchet, D Borcard, S Clappe, G Guenard, ...
Multivariate analysis of ecological data with ade4. Springer, New York, 2018
Differences in movements of northern pike inhabiting rivers with contrasting flow regimes
S Harvey‐Lavoie, SJ Cooke, G Guénard, D Boisclair
Ecohydrology 9 (8), 1687-1699, 2016
adespatial: Multivariate multiscale spatial analysis. R package. 2019
S Dray, D Bauman, G Blanchet, D Borcard, S Clappe, G Guénard
Adespatial: multivariate multiscale spatial analysis R package
S Dray, G Blanchet, D Borcard, G Guenard, T Jombart, G Larocque, ...
Version: 0.0–7, 2016
adespatial: Multivariate multiscale spatial analysis (Version 0.3-7)
S Dray, D Bauman, G Blanchet, D Borcard, S Clappe, G Guenard, ...
R. https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= adespatial, 2019
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Articles 1–20