Rory T. Devine
Rory T. Devine
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Relations between false belief understanding and executive function in early childhood: A meta‐analysis
RT Devine, C Hughes
Child development 85 (5), 1777-1794, 2014
Silent films and strange stories: Theory of mind, gender, and social experiences in middle childhood
RT Devine, C Hughes
Child development 84 (3), 989-1003, 2013
Family correlates of false belief understanding in early childhood: A meta‐analysis
RT Devine, C Hughes
Child development 89 (3), 971-987, 2018
Theory of mind and executive function during middle childhood across cultures
Z Wang, RT Devine, KK Wong, C Hughes
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 149, 6-22, 2016
Theory of mind in middle childhood: Longitudinal associations with executive function and social competence.
RT Devine, N White, R Ensor, C Hughes
Developmental psychology 52 (5), 758, 2016
Promoting theory of mind during middle childhood: A training program
S Lecce, F Bianco, RT Devine, C Hughes, R Banerjee
Journal of experimental child psychology 126, 52-67, 2014
Individual differences in theory of mind from preschool to adolescence: Achievements and directions
C Hughes, RT Devine
Child development perspectives 9 (3), 149-153, 2015
For better or for worse? Positive and negative parental influences on young children's executive function
C Hughes, RT Devine
Child development 90 (2), 593-609, 2019
Does parental mind‐mindedness account for cross‐cultural differences in preschoolers’ theory of mind?
C Hughes, RT Devine, Z Wang
Child development 89 (4), 1296-1310, 2018
Measuring theory of mind across middle childhood: Reliability and validity of the silent films and strange stories tasks
RT Devine, C Hughes
Journal of experimental child psychology 149, 23-40, 2016
Relations between theory of mind and executive function in middle childhood: A short-term longitudinal study
S Lecce, F Bianco, RT Devine, C Hughes
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 163, 69-86, 2017
Mothers' cognitive references to 2‐year‐olds predict theory of mind at ages 6 and 10
R Ensor, RT Devine, A Marks, C Hughes
Child development 85 (3), 1222-1235, 2014
A social perspective on theory of mind
C Hughes, RT Devine
Handbook of child psychology and developmental science, 1-46, 2015
Executive function mediates the relations between parental behaviors and children's early academic ability
RT Devine, G Bignardi, C Hughes
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1902, 2016
Screen time and executive function in toddlerhood: A longitudinal study
G McHarg, AD Ribner, RT Devine, C Hughes
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 570392, 2020
Let's talk: Parents’ mental talk (not mind‐mindedness or mindreading capacity) predicts children's false belief understanding
RT Devine, C Hughes
Child Development 90 (4), 1236-1253, 2019
Measuring and predicting individual differences in executive functions at 14 months: A longitudinal study
RT Devine, A Ribner, C Hughes
Child Development 90 (5), e618-e636, 2019
Lost in translation? Comparing British, Japanese, and Italian children’s theory‐of‐mind performance
C Hughes, RT Devine, R Ensor, M Koyasu, A Mizokawa, S Lecce
Child Development Research 2014 (1), 893492, 2014
Willing and able? Theory of mind, social motivation, and social competence in middle childhood and early adolescence
RT Devine, IA Apperly
Developmental Science 25 (1), e13137, 2022
Infant screen exposure links to toddlers' inhibition, but not other EF constructs: A propensity score study
G McHarg, AD Ribner, RT Devine, C Hughes, NewFAMS Study Team
Infancy 25 (2), 205-222, 2020
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Articles 1–20