Ricardo A. E. Castro
Cited by
Cited by
Ethosomes as Nanocarriers for the Development of Skin Delivery Formulations
AC Paiva-Santos, AL Silva, C Guerra, D Peixoto, M Pereira-Silva, ...
Pharmaceutical Research 38, 947–970, 2021
A new insight into pyrazinamide polymorphic forms and their thermodynamic relationships
RAE Castro, TMR Maria, AOL Évora, JC Feiteira, MR Silva, AM Beja, ...
Crystal growth & design 10 (1), 274-282, 2010
Pyrazinamide-diflunisal: A new dual-drug co-crystal
AOL Évora, RAE Castro, TMR Maria, MTS Rosado, M Ramos Silva, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 11 (11), 4780-4788, 2011
Naproxen cocrystals with pyridinecarboxamide isomers
RA E. Castro, JDB Ribeiro, TMR Maria, M Ramos Silva, C Yuste-Vivas, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 11 (12), 5396-5404, 2011
Conformational isomorphism of organic crystals: racemic and homochiral atenolol
RA Esteves de Castro, J Canotilho, RM Barbosa, MR Silva, AM Beja, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 7 (3), 496-500, 2007
A thermodynamic based approach on the investigation of a diflunisal pharmaceutical co-crystal with improved intrinsic dissolution rate
AOL Évora, RAE Castro, TMR Maria, MR Silva, JH Ter Horst, J Canotilho, ...
International journal of pharmaceutics 466 (1-2), 68-75, 2014
Thermal behavior of some antihistamines
GL Perpétuo, DA Gálico, RA Fugita, RAE Castro, MES Eusébio, ...
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 111, 2019-2028, 2013
Synthesis, physicochemical and optical properties of bis-thiosemicarbazone functionalized graphene oxide
S Kumar, MY Wani, CT Arranja, RAE Castro, JA Paixão, AJFN Sobral
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 188, 183-188, 2018
Structural characterization of solid trivalent metal dodecyl sulfates: from aqueous solution to lamellar superstructures
RFP Pereira, AJM Valente, HD Burrows, V de Zea Bermudez, ...
RSC Advances 3 (5), 1420-1433, 2013
Resolved structures of two picolinamide polymorphs. Investigation of the dimorphic system behaviour under conditions relevant to co-crystal synthesis
AOL Évora, RAE Castro, TMR Maria, MTS Rosado, MR Silva, J Canotilho, ...
CrystEngComm 14 (24), 8649-8657, 2012
A combined approach using differential scanning calorimetry with polarized light thermomicroscopy in the investigation of ketoprofen and nicotinamide cocrystal
GL Perpétuo, GO Chierice, LT Ferreira, TFC Fraga-Silva, J Venturini, ...
Thermochimica Acta 651, 1-10, 2017
Studying the thermal decomposition of carvedilol by coupled TG-FTIR
RC Gallo, APG Ferreira, REA Castro, ETG Cavalheiro
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 123 (3), 2307-2312, 2016
Studying the thermal decomposition of carvedilol by coupled TG-FTIR
RC Gallo, APG Ferreira, REA Castro, ETG Cavalheiro
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 123 (3), 2307-2312, 2016
Thermoanalytical study of nimesulide and their recrystallization products obtained from solutions of several alcohols
DA Gálico, GL Perpétuo, RAE Castro, O Treu-Filho, AO Legendre, ...
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 115, 2385-2390, 2014
Physicochemical, thermal, crystallographic, and morphological properties of biodynamic black rice starch, and of residual fractions from aqueous extraction
VC Ito, E Schnitzler, IM Demiate, MES Eusébio, LG Lacerda, RAE Castro
Starch‐Stärke 70 (11-12), 1700348, 2018
β-phase formation of poly (9, 9-dioctylfluorene) induced by liposome phospholipid bilayers
MJ Tapia, M Monteserin, HD Burrows, JS Seixas de Melo, J Pina, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (19), 5794-5800, 2011
Synthesis, spectroscopy, photophysics and thermal behaviour of stilbene-based triarylamines with dehydroabietic acid methyl ester moieties
B Gigante, MA Esteves, N Pires, ML Davies, P Douglas, SM Fonseca, ...
New Journal of Chemistry 33 (4), 877-885, 2009
Metoprolol: solid forms of a top selling antihypertensive
MA Ciciliati, MES Eusébio, MR Silva, ÉTG Cavalheiro, RAE Castro
CrystEngComm 21 (29), 4319-4328, 2019
Co-crystals of diflunisal and isomeric pyridinecarboxamides–a thermodynamics and crystal engineering contribution
AOL Évora, RAE Castro, TMR Maria, MR Silva, JH ter Horst, J Canotilho, ...
CrystEngComm 18 (25), 4749-4759, 2016
Polymorphism of trans-1, 4-cyclohexanediol: conformational isomorphism
TMR Maria, RAE Castro, SS Bebiano, M Ramos Silva, A Matos Beja, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 10 (3), 1194-1200, 2010
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Articles 1–20