Yaolong Ju
Cited by
Cited by
A Flexible Approach to Automated Harmonic Analysis: Multiple Annotations of Chorales by Bach and Prætorius.
N Condit-Schultz, Y Ju, I Fujinaga
ISMIR, 66-73, 2018
Non-chord tone identification using deep neural networks
Y Ju, N Condit-Schultz, C Arthur, I Fujinaga
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Digital Libraries for …, 2017
An Interactive Workflow for Generating Chord Labels for Homorhythmic Music in Symbolic Formats
Y Ju, S Howes, C McKay, N Condit-Schultz, J Calvo-Zaragoza, I Fujinaga
20th International Society of Music Information Retrieval Conference, 862-869, 2019
Data Quality Matters: Iterative Corrections on a Corpus of Mendelssohn String Quartets and Implications for MIR Analysis
J Degroot-Maggetti, T de Reuse, L Feisthauer, S Howes, Y Ju, S Kokubu, ...
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2020), 2020
Automatic Figured Bass Annotation Using the New Bach Chorales Figured Bass Dataset
Y Ju, S Margot, C McKay, L Dahn, I Fujinaga
Proceedings of the 21th International Society for Music Information …, 2020
Shixian Du, Yu Zhang, Yaolong Ju, Zhuo Li,“K-means initial clustering center optimal algorithm based on kruskal,”
L Huang
Journal of information & computational science 9 (9), 2387-2392, 2012
Automatic Chord Labelling: A Figured Bass Approach
Y Ju, S Margot, C McKay, I Fujinaga
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Digital Libraries for …, 2020
Addressing ambiguity in supervised machine learning: A case study on automatic chord labelling
Y Ju
McGill University (Canada), 2021
Multi-View Midivae: Fusing Track-and Bar-View Representations for Long Multi-Track Symbolic Music Generation
Z Lin, J Chen, B Tang, B Sha, J Yang, Y Ju, F Fan, S Kang, Z Wu, H Meng
ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2024
Improving Automatic Singing Skill Evaluation with Timbral Features, Attention, and Singing Voice Separation
Y Ju, C Xu, Y Guo, J Li, S Lui
2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 612-617, 2023
AnimeTAB: A new guitar tablature dataset of anime and game music
Y Zhou, Y Ju, L Xie
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.03027, 2022
VocEmb4SVS: Improving Singing Voice Separation with Vocal Embeddings
C Li, Y Li, X Du, Y Ju, S Hu, Z Wu
Proceedings of 2022 APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, 234-239, 2022
Figured Bass Encodings for Bach Chorales in Various Symbolic Formats: A Case Study
Y Ju, S Margot, C McKay, I Fujinaga
Music Encoding Conference, 2020
Cycle Frequency-Harmonic-Time Transformer for Note-Level Singing Voice Transcription
Y Wu, Y Ju, S Lui, J Yang, F Fan, X Du
2024 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1-6, 2024
E Hopkins, Y Ju, GP Pedro, C McKay, J Cumming, I Fujinaga
6th Digitial Library for Musicology, 2019
Enabling Music Search and Analysis: A Database for Symbolic Music Files
Y Ju, G Polins Pedro, C McKay, E Hopkins, J Cumming, I Fujinaga
Music Encoding Conference, 2019
The LMLO goes MEI: an exercise in melodic encoding translation
K Helsen, Y Ju
Music Encoding Conference, 2018
The Circle of Fifths as a Perceptual Model for Chordal Complexity
P Macnab-Séguin, Y Ju, W Duffy
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Articles 1–18