Jekaterina Rogaten
Jekaterina Rogaten
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Cited by
Evaluating the impact of virtual exchange on initial teacher education: A European policy experiment
A Baroni, M Dooly, PG García, S Guth, M Hauck, F Helm, T Lewis, ...
Research-publishing. net, 2019
Internationalisation at a Distance and at Home: Academic and social adjustment in a South African distance learning context
J Mittelmeier, B Rienties, J Rogaten, A Gunter, P Raghuram
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 72, 1-12, 2019
The impact of virtual exchange on TPACK and foreign language competence: Reviewing a large-scale implementation across 23 virtual exchanges
B Rienties, T Lewis, R O’Dowd, I Rets, J Rogaten
Computer Assisted Language Learning 35 (3), 577-603, 2022
Investigating variation in learning processes in a FutureLearn MOOC
S Rizvi, B Rienties, J Rogaten, RF Kizilcec
Journal of computing in higher education 32, 162-181, 2020
Reviewing affective, behavioural and cognitive learning gains in higher education
J Rogaten, B Rienties, R Sharpe, S Cross, D Whitelock, S Lygo-Baker, ...
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 44 (3), 321-337, 2019
Academic performance as a function of approaches to studying and affect in studying
J Rogaten, GB Moneta, MM Spada
Journal of happiness studies 14, 1751-1763, 2013
Beyond one-size-fits-all in MOOCs: Variation in learning design and persistence of learners in different cultural and socioeconomic contexts
S Rizvi, B Rienties, J Rogaten, RF Kizilcec
Computers in Human Behavior 126, 106973, 2022
Approaches to researching digital-pedagogical competence development in VE-based teacher education
M Hauck, A Müller-Hartmann, B Rienties, J Rogaten
Journal of Virtual Exchange 3 (SI), 5-35, 2020
Use of creative cognition and positive affect in studying: Evidence of a reciprocal relationship
J Rogaten, GB Moneta
Creativity Research Journal 27 (2), 225-231, 2015
To simplify or not? Facilitating English L2 users' comprehension and processing of open educational resources in English using text simplification
I Rets, J Rogaten
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37 (3), 705-717, 2021
Understanding the early adjustment experiences of undergraduate distance education students in South Africa
J Mittelmeier, J Rogaten, D Long, M Dalu, A Gunter, P Prinsloo, B Rienties
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 20 (3), 2019
Can positive affect “undo” negative affect? A longitudinal study of affect in studying
GB Moneta, A Vulpe, J Rogaten
Personality and Individual Differences 53 (4), 448-452, 2012
Culturally adaptive learning design
S Rizvi, B Rienties, J Rogaten, R Kizilcec
Open World Learning 103 (1), 39-43, 2022
Development and validation of the short use of creative cognition scale in studying
J Rogaten, GB Moneta
Educational psychology 35 (3), 294-314, 2015
Executive summary-the key findings from the EVALUATE European policy experiment project on the impact of virtual exchange on initial teacher education
A Baroni, M Dooly, PG García, S Guth, M Hauck, F Helm, T Lewis, ...
Research-publishing. net, 2019
Creativity in higher education: the use of creative cognition in studying
J Rogaten, GB Moneta
Nova Science Pub Inc, 2016
Temporal dynamics of MOOC learning trajectories
S Rizvi, B Rienties, J Rogaten
Proceedings of the first international conference on data science, e …, 2018
Which first-year students are making most learning gains in STEM subjects?
J Rogaten, BC Rienties
Higher Education Pedagogies 3 (1), 161-172, 2018
Positive and negative structures and processes underlying academic performance: A chained mediation model
J Rogaten, GB Moneta
Journal of Happiness Studies 18, 1095-1119, 2017
Understanding the adjustment of first-year distance education students in South Africa: Factors that impact students' experiences
J Mittelmeier, J Rogaten, M Sachikonye, A Gunter, P Prinsloo, B Rienties
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 20 (3), 2019
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Articles 1–20