Peter Mozelius
Peter Mozelius
Associate Professor, Mid Sweden University and University of Gävle
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Cited by
Teaching in the age of Covid-19
P Jandrić, D Hayes, I Truelove, P Levinson, P Mayo, T Ryberg, LD Monzó, ...
Postdigital Science and Education 2, 1069-1230, 2020
Visualisation and gamification of e‑learning and programming education
M Olsson, P Mozelius, J Collin
Electronic journal of e-learning 13 (6), pp452‑465-pp452‑465, 2015
Critical imaginaries and reflections on artificial intelligence and robots in postdigital K-12 education
S Hrastinski, AD Olofsson, C Arkenback, S Ekström, E Ericsson, ...
Postdigital Science and Education 1, 427-445, 2019
Critical factors for implementing blended learning in higher education
P Mozelius, E Hettiarachchi
International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies in …, 2017
Artificial intelligence in education—A promise, a threat or a hype
N Humble, P Mozelius
Proceedings of the european conference on the impact of artificial …, 2019
The threat, hype, and promise of artificial intelligence in education
N Humble, P Mozelius
Discover Artificial Intelligence 2 (1), 22, 2022
Content analysis or thematic analysis: Similarities, differences and applications in qualitative research
N Humble, P Mozelius
European conference on research methodology for business and management …, 2022
Teaching in the age of Covid-19—1 year later
P Jandrić, D Hayes, P Levinson, LL Christensen, HO Lukoko, JE Kihwele, ...
Postdigital Science and Education 3 (3), 1073-1223, 2021
Game-based learning: A long history
A Hellerstedt, P Mozelius
Irish Conference on Game-based Learning 2019, Cork, Ireland, June 26-28, 2019 1, 2019
Teaching in the age of Covid-19—The new normal
P Jandrić, AF Martinez, C Reitz, L Jackson, D Grauslund, D Hayes, ...
Postdigital Science and Education 4 (3), 877-1015, 2022
Problems affecting successful implementation of blended learning in higher education: The teacher perspective
P Mozelius
International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies in …, 2017
Motivating Factors and Tangential Learning for Knowledge Acquisition in Educational Games.
P Mozelius, A Fagerström, M Söderquist
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 15 (4), 343-354, 2017
Remaking and reinforcing mathematics and technology with programming–teacher perceptions of challenges, opportunities and tools in K-12 settings
N Humble, P Mozelius, L Sällvin
The international journal of information and learning technology 37 (5), 309-321, 2020
Content analysis or thematic analysis: Doctoral students' perceptions of similarities and differences
N Humble, P Mozelius
Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 20 (3), 89-98, 2022
Game Based Learning-a way to stimulate intrinsic motivation
P Mozelius
International Conference on e-Learning, 272, 2014
Teacher attitudes toward game-based learning in history education
P Mozelius, W Hernandez, J Sällström, A Hellerstedt
International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies in …, 2017
Critical factors for human computer interaction of ehealth for older adults
A Ahmad, P Mozelius
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and …, 2019
Game-based learning for learning to program: from learning through play to learning through game development
O Shabalina, C Malliarakis, F Tomos, P Mozelius
11th European Conference on Games Based Learning 2017, Graz, Austria, 5-6 …, 2017
Teacher-supported AI or AI-supported teachers
N Humble, P Mozelius
European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics …, 2019
Learning by Walking-Pokémon Go and Mobile Technology in Formal Education
P Mozelius, S Bergström-Eriksson, J Jaldemark
ICERI2017 Proceedings, 1172-1179, 2017
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Articles 1–20