Elizabeth A. Sawchuk
Elizabeth A. Sawchuk
Associate Curator of Human Evolution, Cleveland Museum of Natural History
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Cited by
Ancient West African foragers in the context of African population history
M Lipson, I Ribot, S Mallick, N Rohland, I Olalde, N Adamski, ...
Nature, 2020
Ancient DNA reveals a multistep spread of the first herders into sub-Saharan Africa
ME Prendergast, M Lipson, EA Sawchuk, I Olalde, CA Ogola, N Rohland, ...
Science, 2019
Ethics of DNA research on human remains: five globally applicable guidelines
S Alpaslan-Roodenberg, D Anthony, H Babiker, E Bánffy, T Booth, ...
Nature 599 (7883), 41-46, 2021
Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa
K Wang, S Goldstein, M Bleasdale, B Clist, K Bostoen, P Bakwa-Lufu, ...
Science Advances 6 (24), eaaz0183, 2020
Boots on the ground in Africa's ancient DNA ‘revolution’: archaeological perspectives on ethics and best practices
ME Prendergast, E Sawchuk
Antiquity 92, 803-815, 2018
Ancient DNA and deep population structure in sub-Saharan African foragers.
M Lipson, EA Sawchuk, JC Thompson, J Oppenheimer, CA Tryon, ...
Nature, 2022
A monumental cemetery built by eastern Africa's first herders near Lake Turkana, Kenya
EA Hildebrand, KM Grillo, EA Sawchuk, SK Pfeiffer, LB Conyers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018
Late Pleistocene to Holocene human palaeoecology in the tropical environments of coastal eastern Africa
P Roberts, ME Prendergast, A Janzen, C Shipton, J Blinkhorn, J Zech, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 537, 109438, 2020
Cemeteries on a moving frontier: Mortuary practices and the spread of pastoralism from the Sahara into eastern Africa
EA Sawchuk, ST Goldstein, KM Grillo, EA Hildebrand
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 58, 187-205, 2018
Entwined African and Asian genetic roots of medieval peoples of the Swahili coast
ES Brielle, J Fleisher, S Wynne-Jones, K Sirak, N Broomandkhoshbacht, ...
Nature 615 (7954), 866-873, 2023
Excavations at Mlambalasi Rockshelter: A terminal Pleistocene to recent Iron Age record in southern Tanzania
KM Biittner, EA Sawchuk, JM Miller, JJ Werner, PM Bushozi, ...
African Archaeological Review 34 (2), 275-295, 2017
Ostrich eggshell bead diameter in the Holocene: Regional variation with the spread of herding in eastern and southern Africa
JM Miller, EA Sawchuk
PLOS ONE 14 (11), e0225143, 2019
Land Snail Shell Beads in the Sub-Saharan Archaeological Record: When, Where, and Why?
JM Miller, EA Sawchuk, L Reedman, Amy, PR Willoughby
African Archaeological Review, 2018
The bioarchaeology of mid-Holocene pastoralist cemeteries west of Lake Turkana, Kenya
EA Sawchuk, S Pfeiffer, CE Klehm, ME Cameron, AC Hill, A Janzen, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2019
Terminal Pleistocene later stone age human remains from the Mlambalasi rock shelter, Iringa region, southern Tanzania
EA Sawchuk, PR Willoughby
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25 (5), 593-607, 2015
Social change and human population movements: dental morphology in Holocene eastern Africa
EA Sawchuk
University of Toronto (Canada), 2017
New archaeological investigations at the Lothagam harpoon site at Lake Turkana
S Goldstein, E Hildebrand, M Storozum, E Sawchuk, J Lewis, C Ngugi, ...
Antiquity 91 (360), e5, 2017
Ancient DNA is a powerful tool for studying the past–when archaeologists and geneticists work together
E Sawchuk, ME Prendergast
The Conversation 2019, 111127, 2019
Genetics and the African past
ME Prendergast, EA Sawchuk, KA Sirak
Oxf Res Encycl Afr Hist 10, 2022
Ancient human DNA and African population history
KA Sirak, EA Sawchuk, ME Prendergast
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Oxford University Press. https …, 2022
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Articles 1–20