Leon Hetzel
Leon Hetzel
PhD Student @Helmholtz Munich & TUM
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Cited by
Best practices for single-cell analysis across modalities
L Heumos, AC Schaar, C Lance, A Litinetskaya, F Drost, L Zappia, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 24 (8), 550-572, 2023
Interpretable and fine-grained visual explanations for convolutional neural networks
J Wagner, JM Kohler, T Gindele, L Hetzel, JT Wiedemer, S Behnke
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Predicting cellular responses to complex perturbations in high‐throughput screens
M Lotfollahi, A Klimovskaia Susmelj, C De Donno, L Hetzel, Y Ji, IL Ibarra, ...
Molecular systems biology 19 (6), e11517, 2023
Predicting Cellular Responses to Novel Drug Perturbations at a Single-Cell Resolution
L Hetzel, S Boehm, N Kilbertus, S Günnemann, M Lotfollahi, FJ Theis
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022
Graph representation learning for single-cell biology
L Hetzel, DS Fischer, S Günnemann, FJ Theis
Current Opinion in Systems Biology 28, 100347, 2021
Simulation of non-Pauli channels
TPW Cope, L Hetzel, L Banchi, S Pirandola
Physical Review A 96 (2), 022323, 2017
Künstliche neuronale Netze: Ein Nachbau unseres Gehirns?
L Hetzel, F Wangelik
Wie Maschinen lernen: Künstliche Intelligenz verständlich erklärt, 149-161, 2019
Magnet: Motif-agnostic generation of molecules from shapes
L Hetzel, J Sommer, B Rieck, F Theis, S Günnemann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.19303, 2023
Modelling single-cell RNA-seq trajectories on a flat statistical manifold
A Palma, S Rybakov, L Hetzel, FJ Theis
NeurIPS 2023 AI for Science Workshop, 2023
Uncertainty Quantification for Atlas-Level Cell Type Transfer
L Hetzel, J Engelmann, G Palla, L Sikkema, M Luecken, F Theis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.03793, 2022
An open-source framework for end-to-end analysis of electronic health record data
L Heumos, P Ehmele, T Treis, J Upmeier zu Belzen, E Roellin, L May, ...
Nature medicine, 1-12, 2024
The Power of Motifs as Inductive Bias for Learning Molecular Distributions
J Sommer, L Hetzel, D Lüdke, FJ Theis, S Günnemann
ICLR 2023-Machine Learning for Drug Discovery workshop, 0
Expressivity and Generalization: Fragment-Biases for Molecular GNNs
T Wollschläger, N Kemper, L Hetzel, J Sommer, S Günnemann
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)., 2024
Exploratory electronic health record analysis with ehrapy
L Heumos, P Ehmele, T Treis, J Upmeier zu Belzen, A Namsaraeva, ...
medRxiv, 2023.12. 11.23299816, 2023
Creating bottom-up RNA transfer vehicles from synthetic protein assemblies
W Wurst, M Schuhmacher, C Gruber, C Lang, R Ruijpers, L Mazneykova, ...
Community effort to unravel the complex human neuronal landscape exemplified for the striatum
J Schultze, S Agrawal, R Scholz, C Hartmann, L Hetzel, C Carraro, ...
Method and device for ascertaining an explanation map
J Wagner, T Gindele, JM Koehler, JT Wiedemer, L Hetzel
US Patent 11,783,190, 2023
Method and device for ascertaining an explanation map
J Wagner, T Gindele, JM Koehler, JT Wiedemer, L Hetzel
US Patent 11,645,828, 2023
Unified Guidance for Geometry-Conditioned Molecular Generation
S Ayadi, L Hetzel, J Sommer, FJ Theis, S Günnemann
The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 0
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Articles 1–19