Rebecca Walker Reczek
Rebecca Walker Reczek
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The unhealthy= tasty intuition and its effects on taste inferences, enjoyment, and choice of food products
R Raghunathan, RW Naylor, WD Hoyer
Journal of Marketing 70 (4), 170-184, 2006
The sustainability liability: potential negative effects of ethicality on product preference
MG Luchs, RW Naylor, JR Irwin, R Raghunathan
Journal of Marketing 74 (5), 18-31, 2010
Seeing the world through GREEN-tinted glasses: Green consumption values and responses to environmentally friendly products
K Haws, KP Winterich, RW Naylor
Journal of Consumer Psychology 24 (July), 336-54, 2014
Beyond the “like” button: The impact of mere virtual presence on brand evaluations and purchase intentions in social media settings
RW Naylor, CP Lamberton, PM West
Journal of marketing 76 (6), 105-120, 2012
Consumers and artificial intelligence: An experiential perspective
S Puntoni, RW Reczek, M Giesler, S Botti
Journal of Marketing 85 (1), 131-151, 2021
Understanding the inherent complexity of sustainable consumption: A social cognitive framework
M Phipps, LK Ozanne, MG Luchs, S Subrahmanyan, S Kapitan, JR Catlin, ...
Journal of Business Research 66 (8), 1227-1234, 2013
Healthy diets make empty wallets: The healthy= expensive intuition
KL Haws, RW Reczek, KL Sample
Journal of Consumer Research 43 (6), 992-1007, 2017
An audience of one: Behaviorally targeted ads as implied social labels
CA Summers, RW Smith, RW Reczek
Journal of Consumer Research 43 (1), 156-178, 2016
The squander sequence: Understanding food waste at each stage of the consumer decision-making process
LG Block, PA Keller, B Vallen, S Williamson, MM Birau, A Grinstein, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 35 (2), 292-304, 2016
Seeing ourselves in others: Reviewer ambiguity, egocentric anchoring, and persuasion
RW Naylor, CP Lamberton, DA Norton
Journal of Marketing Research 48 (3), 617-631, 2010
The self-perception connection: Why consumers devalue unattractive produce
L Grewal, J Hmurovic, C Lamberton, RW Reczek
Journal of Marketing 83 (1), 89-107, 2019
Eating with a purpose: consumer response to functional food health claims in conflicting versus complementary information environments
RW Naylor, CM Droms, KL Haws
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 28 (2), 221-233, 2009
Focusing on the forest or the trees: How abstract versus concrete construal level predicts responses to eco-friendly products
RW Reczek, R Trudel, K White
Journal of Environmental Psychology 57, 87-98, 2018
Toward a sustainable marketplace: Expanding options and benefits for consumers
MG Luchs, RW Naylor, RL Rose, JR Catlin, R Gau, S Kapitan, J Mish, ...
Ethical decisions and response mode compatibility: Weighting of ethical attributes in consideration sets formed by excluding versus including product alternatives
JR Irwin, RW Naylor
Journal of Marketing Research 46 (2), 234-246, 2009
Keeping it all without being buried alive: Understanding product retention tendency
KL Haws, RW Naylor, RA Coulter, WO Bearden
Journal of Consumer Psychology 22 (2), 224-236, 2012
Using behavioral experiments to expand our horizons and deepen our understanding of logistics and supply chain decision making
AM Knemeyer, RW Naylor
Journal of Business Logistics 32 (4), 296-302, 2011
Do less ethical consumers denigrate more ethical consumers? The effect of willful ignorance on judgments of others
DM Zane, JR Irwin, RW Reczek
Journal of Consumer Psychology 26 (3), 337-349, 2016
That’s not how I remember it: Willfully ignorant memory for ethical product attribute information
RW Reczek, JR Irwin, DM Zane, KR Ehrich
Journal of Consumer Research 45 (1), 185-207, 2018
Providers versus platforms: Marketing communications in the sharing economy
JP Costello, RW Reczek
Journal of Marketing 84 (6), 22-38, 2020
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Articles 1–20