Shea Balish
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Cited by
Sex differences in sports interest and motivation: An evolutionary perspective.
RO Deaner, SM Balish, MP Lombardo
Evolutionary behavioral sciences 10 (2), 73, 2016
Correlates of youth sport attrition: A review and future directions
SM Balish, C McLaren, D Rainham, C Blanchard
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 15 (4), 429-439, 2014
Ties that bond: Youth sport as a vehicle for social identity and positive youth development
MW Bruner, SM Balish, C Forrest, S Brown, K Webber, E Gray, ...
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 88 (2), 209-214, 2017
The influence of community on athletic development: An integrated case study
S Balish, J Côté
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 6 (1), 98-120, 2014
Sport and recreation are associated with happiness across countries
SM Balish, D Conacher, L Dithurbide
Research Quarterly for exercise and sport 87 (4), 382-388, 2016
Evolutionary sport and exercise psychology: Integrating proximate and ultimate explanations
SM Balish, MA Eys, AI Schulte-Hostedde
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2013
The relationship between weather and objectively measured physical activity among individuals with COPD
SM Balish, G Dechman, P Hernandez, JC Spence, RE Rhodes, ...
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 37 (6), 445-449, 2017
Community size and sport participation across 22 countries
SM Balish, D Rainham, C Blanchard
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 25 (6), e576-e581, 2015
Sex differences in sport remain when accounting for countries’ gender inequality
SM Balish, RO Deaner, D Rainham, C Blanchard
Cross-Cultural Research 50 (5), 395-414, 2016
Volunteering in sport is more prevalent in small (but not tiny) communities: Insights from 19 countries
SM Balish, D Rainham, C Blanchard
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 16 (2), 203-213, 2018
Gender equality predicts leisure-time physical activity: Benefits for both sexes across 34 countries
SM Balish, RO Deaner, S Rathwell, D Rainham, C Blanchard
Cogent Psychology 3 (1), 1174183, 2016
The influence of injury on group interaction processes
M Surya, AJ Benson, SM Balish, MA Eys
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 27 (1), 52-66, 2015
Sex differences in sports interest and motivation: An evolutionary perspective. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 10 (2), 73–97
RO Deaner, SM Balish, MP Lombardo
Democracy predicts sport and recreation membership: Insights from 52 countries
SM Balish
Journal of epidemiology and global health 7 (1), 21-28, 2017
The social and ecological parameters of a successful sporting community
S Balish, J Cote
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 33, S129-S129, 2011
Does gender inequality moderate sex differences in sport across countries?
SM Balish, R Deaner, DR Rainham, CM Blanchard
Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts …, 2015
Moral foundations, dilemmas, and disengagement in sport: insights from disparate cultures.
SM Balish, J Caron
Social identity and positive youth development in recreational sport
MW Bruner, SM Balish, CK Forrest, S Brown, K Webber, E Gray, ...
Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts …, 2014
One of these is not like the other: Lived experiences of females playing on male sport teams
KR Zammit, S Balish, CM Sabiston
Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts …, 2018
Group-based guilt, shame, pride, envy, and embarrassment, and sport identity predict sport enjoyment and commitment in young female athletes
I Dore, E Pila, S Balish, J Gilchrist, C Sabiston
Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts …, 2017
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Articles 1–20