John Sandlos
Cited by
Cited by
Conservation social science: Understanding and integrating human dimensions to improve conservation
NJ Bennett, R Roth, SC Klain, K Chan, P Christie, DA Clark, G Cullman, ...
biological conservation 205, 93-108, 2017
Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation
NJ Bennett, R Roth, SC Klain, KMA Chan, DA Clark, G Cullman, ...
Conservation Biology 31 (1), 56-66, 2017
Hunters at the margin: Native people and wildlife conservation in the Northwest Territories
J Sandlos
ubc Press, 2011
Environmental justice goes underground? Historical notes from Canada's northern mining frontier
A Keeling, J Sandlos
Environmental Justice 2 (3), 117-125, 2009
Past imperfect: using historical ecology and baseline data for conservation and restoration projects in North America
PS Alagona, J Sandlos, YF Wiersma
Environmental Philosophy 9 (1), 49-70, 2012
Aboriginal communities, traditional knowledge, and the environmental legacies of extractive development in Canada
J Sandlos, A Keeling
The Extractive Industries and Society 3 (2), 278-287, 2016
Mining and communities in Northern Canada: History, politics, and memory
J Sandlos, A Keeling
University of Calgary Press, 2015
Undermining subsistence: Barren-ground caribou in a “tragedy of open access”
BL Parlee, J Sandlos, DC Natcher
Science Advances 4 (2), e1701611, 2018
Toxic legacies, slow violence, and environmental injustice at Giant Mine, Northwest Territories
J Sandlos, A Keeling
Northern Review, 7–21-7–21, 2016
Claiming the new north: development and colonialism at the Pine Point mine, Northwest Territories, Canada
J Sandloss, A Keeling
Environment and History 18 (1), 5-34, 2012
Not wanted in the boundary: The expulsion of the Keeseekoowenin Ojibway band from Riding Mountain National Park
J Sandlos
Canadian Historical Review 89 (2), 189-221, 2008
A broken frontier: Ecological imperialism in the Canadian North
L Piper, J Sandlos
Environmental History 12 (4), 759-795, 2007
Ghost towns and zombie mines: The historical dimensions of mine abandonment, reclamation, and redevelopment in the Canadian North
A Keeling, J Sandlos
University of Calgary Press, 2017
From the outside looking in: Aesthetics, politics, and wildlife conservation in the Canadian North
J Sandlos
Environmental History 6 (1), 6-31, 2001
National parks in the Canadian North
J Sandlos
Indigenous peoples, national parks, and protected areas: A new paradigm …, 2014
Zombie Mines and the (Over) burden of History
J Sandlos, A Keeling
The solutions journal 4 (3), 2013
The storied curriculum: Oral narrative, ethics, and environmental education
J Sandlos
The Journal of Environmental Education 30 (1), 5-9, 1998
Introduction: Critical perspectives on extractive industries in Northern Canada
A Keeling, J Sandlos
The Extractive Industries and Society 3 (2), 265-268, 2016
From Within Fur and Feathers: Animals in Canadian Literature
J Sandlos
TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 4, 73-91, 2000
Giant mine: historical summary
J Sandlos, A Keeling
Memorial University, 2015
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Articles 1–20