Gail Teachman
Gail Teachman
Assistant Professor, School of Occupational Therapy, Western University
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Expanding beyond individualism: Engaging critical perspectives on occupation
AJ Gerlach, G Teachman, D Laliberte-Rudman, RM Aldrich, S Huot
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 25 (1), 35-43, 2018
Children's and parents' beliefs regarding the value of walking: rehabilitation implications for children with cerebral palsy
BE Gibson, G Teachman, V Wright, D Fehlings, NL Young, P McKeever
Child: care, health and development 38 (1), 61-69, 2012
Children and youth with disabilities: Innovative methods for single qualitative interviews
G Teachman, BE Gibson
Qualitative health research 23 (2), 264-274, 2013
Critical approaches in physical therapy research: Investigating the symbolic value of walking
BE Gibson, G Teachman
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 28 (6), 474-484, 2012
Working the limits of “giving voice” to children: A critical conceptual review
D Facca, B Gladstone, G Teachman
International journal of qualitative methods 19, 1609406920933391, 2020
An integrated methods study of the experiences of youth with severe disabilities in leisure activity settings: the importance of belonging, fun, and control and choice
G King, BE Gibson, B Mistry, M Pinto, F Goh, G Teachman, L Thompson
Disability and Rehabilitation 36 (19), 1626-1635, 2014
Paediatric application of individualised client-centred outcome measures: a literature review
C Tam, G Teachman, V Wright
British Journal of Occupational Therapy 71 (7), 286-296, 2008
Integrating visual methods with dialogical interviews in research with youth who use augmentative and alternative communication
G Teachman, BE Gibson
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 17 (1), 1609406917750945, 2018
Thinking critically about client-centred practice and occupational possibilities across the life-span
J Njelesani, G Teachman, E Durocher, Y Hamdani, SK Phelan
Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy 22 (4), 252-259, 2015
A critical dialogical methodology for conducting research with disabled youth who use augmentative and alternative communication
G Teachman, P McDonough, C Macarthur, BE Gibson
Qualitative Inquiry 24 (1), 35-44, 2018
Assembling activity/setting participation with disabled young people
BE Gibson, G King, G Teachman, B Mistry, Y Hamdani
Sociology of Health & Illness 39 (4), 497-512, 2017
A relational ethics framework for advancing practice with children with complex health care needs and their parents
FA Carnevale, G Teachman, A Bogossian
Comprehensive child and adolescent nursing 40 (4), 268-284, 2017
‘Communicative competence’in the field of augmentative and alternative communication: a review and critique
G Teachman, BE Gibson
International journal of language & communication disorders 49 (1), 1-14, 2014
A multi-method approach to studying activity setting participation: integrating standardized questionnaires, qualitative methods and physiological measures
BE Gibson, G King, A Kushki, B Mistry, L Thompson, G Teachman, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation 36 (19), 1652-1660, 2014
An integrative review of the qualities of a ‘good’physiotherapist
MJ Kleiner, EA Kinsella, M Miciak, G Teachman, E McCabe, DM Walton
Physiotherapy theory and practice 39 (1), 89-116, 2023
Evaluation of a non-invasive vocal cord vibration switch as an alternative access pathway for an individual with hypotonic cerebral palsy–a case study
J Chan, TH Falk, G Teachman, J Morin-McKee, T Chau
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 5 (1), 69-78, 2010
Rethinking 'Normal' Development in Children's Rehabilitation
BE Gibson, G Teachman, Y Hamdani
Rethinking Rehabilitation Theory and Practice, 69-79, 2015
Augmentative communication based on realtime vocal cord vibration detection
TH Falk, J Chan, P Duez, G Teachman, T Chau
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 18 (2 …, 2010
Problematizing ‘productive citizenship’within rehabilitation services: insights from three studies
JK Fadyl, G Teachman, Y Hamdani
Disability and rehabilitation 42 (20), 2959-2966, 2020
Doing Qualitative Research with People Who Have Communication Impairments
G Teachman, B Mistry, BE Gibson
SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2014
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Articles 1–20