Piirainen Arja
Piirainen Arja
Terveystieteiden laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto
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Cited by
Physiotherapists' perceptions of learning and implementing a biopsychosocial intervention to treat musculoskeletal pain conditions: a systematic review and metasynthesis of …
R Holopainen, P Simpson, A Piirainen, J Karppinen, R Schütze, A Smith, ...
Pain 161 (6), 1150-1168, 2020
Competence areas of health science teachers–A systematic review of quantitative studies
K Mikkonen, T Ojala, T Sjögren, A Piirainen, C Koskinen, M Koskinen, ...
Nurse education today 70, 77-86, 2018
Chronic pain affects the whole person–a phenomenological study
T Ojala, A Häkkinen, J Karppinen, K Sipilä, T Suutama, A Piirainen
Disability and rehabilitation 37 (4), 363-371, 2015
System and Method for Providing Health Care Services
KE Raij, AL Piirainen, SL Paula, P Nissinen, JT Kokkila
US Patent App. 12/062,840, 2009
Although unseen, chronic pain is real–A phenomenological study
T Ojala, A Häkkinen, J Karppinen, K Sipilä, T Suutama, A Piirainen
Scandinavian journal of pain 6 (1), 33-40, 2015
From “non‐encounters” to autonomic agency. Conceptions of patients with low back pain about their encounters in the health care system
R Holopainen, A Piirainen, A Heinonen, J Karppinen, P O'Sullivan
Musculoskeletal Care 16 (2), 269-277, 2018
Problem-based learning in professional studies from the physiotherapy students’ perspective
H Korpi, L Peltokallio, A Piirainen
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning 13 (1), 2018
Asiakkaan ja asiantuntijan pedagoginen suhde
A Piirainen
Fenomenologinen tutkimus, 2006
The dominance of chronic pain: a phenomenological study
T Ojala, A Häkkinen, J Karppinen, K Sipilä, T Suutama, A Piirainen
Musculoskeletal care 12 (3), 141-149, 2014
Higher education teachers’ descriptions of their own learning: a large-scale study of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences
A Töytäri, A Piirainen, P Tynjälä, L Vanhanen-Nuutinen, K Mäki, V Ilves
Higher Education Research & Development 35 (6), 1284-1297, 2016
Rehabilitees perspective on goal setting in rehabilitation–a phenomenological approach
T Alanko, M Karhula, T Kröger, A Piirainen, R Nikander
Disability and Rehabilitation 41 (19), 2280-2288, 2019
Fyysisen aktiivisuuden merkitys elämänkulussa
L Karvonen, R Nikander, A Piirainen
Liikunta & Tiede 53 (1), 68-74, 2016
The meaning of peer group mentoring in the university context
T Skaniakos, A Piirainen
Asiakkaan ja asiantuntijan pedagoginen suhde: fenomenologinen tutkimus fysioterapiatilanteista asiakkaiden ja fysioterapeuttien kokemana
A Piirainen
Helsingin yliopisto, 2006
Cardiac rehabilitees’ technology experiences before remote rehabilitation: qualitative study using a grounded theory approach
MR Anttila, H Kivistö, A Piirainen, K Kokko, A Malinen, M Pekkonen, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (2), e10985, 2019
Teacher students’ meaningful learning in widening learning worlds
L Aarto-Pesonen, A Piirainen
Teaching Education 31 (3), 323-342, 2020
Reliability and validity study of the Finnish version of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ)
T Ojala, A Piirainen, K Sipilä, T Suutama, A Häkkinen
Disability and rehabilitation 35 (4), 306-314, 2013
Does single-event multilevel surgery enhance physical functioning in the real-life environment in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP)?: patient perceptions five …
K Lehtonen, H Mäenpää, A Piirainen
Gait & Posture 41 (2), 448-453, 2015
Practical work in physiotherapy students’ professional development
H Korpi, A Piirainen, L Peltokallio
Reflective Practice 18 (6), 821-836, 2017
The story models of physiotherapy students’ professional development. Narrative research
H Korpi, L Peltokallio, A Piirainen
The European Journal of Physiotherapy 16 (4), 219-229, 2014
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