Michele Mosca
Michele Mosca
Professor, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
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Quantum amplitude amplification and estimation
G Brassard, P Hoyer, M Mosca, A Tapp
Contemporary Mathematics 305, 53-74, 2002
Quantum algorithms revisited
R Cleve, A Ekert, C Macchiavello, M Mosca
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 1998
An introduction to quantum computing
P Kaye, R Laflamme, M Mosca
OUP Oxford, 2006
Quantum lower bounds by polynomials
R Beals, H Buhrman, R Cleve, M Mosca, R De Wolf
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 48 (4), 778-797, 2001
Implementation of a quantum search algorithm on a quantum computer
JA Jones, M Mosca, RH Hansen
Nature 393 (6683), 344-346, 1998
Implementation of a quantum algorithm on a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computer
JA Jones, M Mosca
The Journal of chemical physics 109 (5), 1648-1653, 1998
A meet-in-the-middle algorithm for fast synthesis of depth-optimal quantum circuits
M Amy, D Maslov, M Mosca, M Roetteler
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2013
Cybersecurity in an era with quantum computers: Will we be ready?
M Mosca
IEEE Security & Privacy 16 (5), 38-41, 2018
How powerful is adiabatic quantum computation?
W Van Dam, M Mosca, U Vazirani
Proceedings 42nd IEEE symposium on foundations of computer science, 279-287, 2001
Polynomial-time T-depth optimization of Clifford+ T circuits via matroid partitioning
M Amy, D Maslov, M Mosca
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2014
Private quantum channels
A Ambainis, M Mosca, A Tapp, R De Wolf
Proceedings 41st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 547-553, 2000
Fast and efficient exact synthesis of single qubit unitaries generated by Clifford and T gates
V Kliuchnikov, D Maslov, M Mosca
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.5236, 2012
The hidden subgroup problem and eigenvalue estimation on a quantum computer
M Mosca, A Ekert
NASA International Conference on Quantum Computing and Quantum …, 1998
Post-quantum key exchange for the internet and the open quantum safe project
D Stebila, M Mosca
International Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography, 14-37, 2016
Finding shortest lattice vectors faster using quantum search
T Laarhoven, M Mosca, J Van De Pol
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 77, 375-400, 2015
On the robustness of bucket brigade quantum RAM
S Arunachalam, V Gheorghiu, T Jochym-O’Connor, M Mosca, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (12), 123010, 2015
Estimating the cost of generic quantum pre-image attacks on SHA-2 and SHA-3
M Amy, O Di Matteo, V Gheorghiu, M Mosca, A Parent, J Schanck
International Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography, 317-337, 2016
Asymptotically Optimal Approximation of Single Qubit Unitaries by Clifford and Circuits <?format ?>Using a Constant Number of Ancillary Qubits
V Kliuchnikov, D Maslov, M Mosca
Physical review letters 110 (19), 190502, 2013
Quantum search on bounded-error inputs
P Høyer, M Mosca, R De Wolf
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 291-299, 2003
Quantum algorithms
M Mosca
arXiv preprint arXiv:0808.0369, 2008
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Articles 1–20