Pavel Vachal
Pavel Vachal
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Staggered Lagrangian discretization based on cell-centered Riemann solver and associated hydrodynamics scheme
PH Maire, R Loubčre, P Váchal
Communications in Computational Physics 10 (4), 940-978, 2011
Untangling of 2D meshes in ALE simulations
P Vachal, RV Garimella, MJ Shashkov
Journal of Computational Physics 196 (2), 627-644, 2004
3D staggered Lagrangian hydrodynamics scheme with cell‐centered Riemann solver‐based artificial viscosity
R Loubčre, PH Maire, P Váchal
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 72 (1), 22-42, 2013
Optimization-based Synchronized Flux-Corrected Conservative Interpolation (Remapping) of Mass and Momentum for Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Methods
R Liska, M Shashkov, P Váchal, B Wendroff
A second-order compatible staggered Lagrangian hydrodynamics scheme using a cell-centered multidimensional approximate Riemann solver
R Loubčre, PH Maire, P Váchal
Procedia Computer Science 1 (1), 1931-1939, 2010
Synchronized flux corrected remapping for ALE methods
R Liska, M Shashkov, P Váchal, B Wendroff
Computers & fluids 46 (1), 312-317, 2011
ALE method for simulations of laser-produced plasmas
R Liska, M Kuchařı́k, J Limpouch, O Renner, P Váchal, L Bednárik, ...
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI Problems & Perspectives: FVCA 6 …, 2011
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI Problems & Perspectives
R Liska, M Kucharik, J Limpouch, O Renner, P Vachal, L Bednarik, ...
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics 4, 857-873, 2011
Symmetry-and essentially-bound-preserving flux-corrected remapping of momentum in staggered ALE hydrodynamics
J Velechovský, M Kuchařík, R Liska, M Shashkov, P Váchal
Journal of Computational Physics 255, 590-611, 2013
Sequential flux-corrected remapping for ALE methods
P Váchal, R Liska
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005 …, 2006
Staggered Lagrangian discretization based on cell-centered Riemann solver and associated hydrodynamics scheme
R Loubere, PH Maire, P Váchal
Communication in Computational Physics 10 (4), 940-978, 2011
A symmetry preserving dissipative artificial viscosity in an r–z staggered Lagrangian discretization
P Váchal, B Wendroff
Journal of Computational Physics 258, 118-136, 2014
Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian method for laser plasma simulations
T Kapin, M Kuchařík, J Limpouch, R Liska, P Vachal
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 56 (8), 1337-1342, 2008
HerEOS: A framework for consistent treatment of the Equation of State in ALE hydrodynamics
M Zeman, M Holec, P Váchal
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 78 (2), 483-503, 2019
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) methods in compressible fluid dynamics
M Kucharık, R Liska, P Váchal, M Shashkov
Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 13, 178-183, 2006
Formulation of a staggered two-dimensional Lagrangian scheme by means of cell-centered approximate riemann solver
R Loubčre, PH Maire, P Vachal
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2009: Proceedings of ENUMATH …, 2010
Discretizations for weighted condition number smoothing on general unstructured meshes
P Vachal, PH Maire
Computers & Fluids 46 (1), 479-485, 2011
ALE simulations of high-velocity impact problem
M Kuchařík, J Limpouch, R Liska, P Váchal
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54, C391-C396, 2004
On preservation of symmetry in r–z staggered Lagrangian schemes
P Váchal, B Wendroff
Journal of Computational Physics 307, 496-507, 2016
A node reconnection algorithm for mimetic finite difference discretizations of elliptic equations on triangular meshes
M Berndt, K Lipnikov, M Shashkov, P Váchal
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Articles 1–20