Renyu Yang
Renyu Yang
Associate Professor, Beihang University; formerly, University of Leeds
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A survey on text classification: From traditional to deep learning
Q Li, H Peng, J Li, C Xia, R Yang, L Sun, PS Yu, L He
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 13 (2), 1-41, 2022
Fog orchestration for internet of things services
Z Wen, R Yang, P Garraghan, T Lin, J Xu, M Rovatsos
IEEE Internet Computing 21 (2), 16-24, 2017
Fuxi: a fault-tolerant resource management and job scheduling system at internet scale
Z Zhang, C Li, Y Tao, R Yang, H Tang, J Xu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (13), 1393-1404, 2014
Hierarchical Taxonomy-Aware and Attentional Graph Capsule RCNNs for Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification
H Peng, J Li, SW Wang, L Wang, Q Gong, R Yang, B Li, PS Yu, L He
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2019
Reinforced Neighborhood Selection Guided Multi-Relational Graph Neural Networks
H Peng, R Zhang, Y Dou, R Yang, J Zhang, PS Yu
ACM Transactions on on Information Systems, 2021
Orchestrating the development lifecycle of machine learning-based IoT applications: A taxonomy and survey
B Qian, J Su, Z Wen, DN Jha, Y Li, Y Guan, D Puthal, P James, R Yang, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (4), 1-47, 2020
Straggler root-cause and impact analysis for massive-scale virtualized cloud datacenters
P Garraghan, X Ouyang, R Yang, D McKee, J Xu
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2019
Improved energy-efficiency in cloud datacenters with interference-aware virtual machine placement
IS Moreno, R Yang, J Xu, T Wo
2013 IEEE eleventh international symposium on autonomous decentralized …, 2013
Streaming social event detection and evolution discovery in heterogeneous information networks
H Peng, J Li, Y Song, R Yang, R Ranjan, PS Yu, L He
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 15 (5), 1-33, 2021
Lime: Low-cost and incremental learning for dynamic heterogeneous information networks
H Peng, R Yang, Z Wang, J Li, L He, SY Philip, AY Zomaya, R Ranjan
IEEE Transactions on Computers 71 (3), 628-642, 2022
Horus: Interference-Aware and Prediction-Based Scheduling in Deep Learning Systems
G Yeung, D Borowiec, R Yang, A Friday, R Harper, P Garraghan
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2022
Hawk: Rapid android malware detection through heterogeneous graph attention networks
Y Hei, R Yang, H Peng, L Wang, X Xu, J Liu, H Liu, J Xu, L Sun
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021
Emergent failures: Rethinking cloud reliability at scale
P Garraghan, R Yang, Z Wen, A Romanovsky, J Xu, R Buyya, R Ranjan
IEEE Cloud Computing 5 (5), 12-21, 2018
Improving data center efficiency through holistic scheduling in Kubernetes
P Townend, S Clement, D Burdett, R Yang, J Shaw, B Slater, J Xu
2019 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering …, 2019
Identification and characterization of robust hepatocellular carcinoma prognostic subtypes based on an integrative metabolite‐protein interaction network
D Chen, Y Zhang, W Wang, H Chen, T Ling, R Yang, Y Wang, C Duan, ...
Advanced science 8 (17), 2100311, 2021
Intelligent Resource Scheduling at Scale: a Machine Learning Perspective
R Yang, X Ouyang, Y Chen, P Townend, J Xu
The 12th IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering …, 2018
GA-Par: Dependable microservice orchestration framework for geo-distributed clouds
Z Wen, T Lin, R Yang, S Ji, R Ranjan, A Romanovsky, C Lin, J Xu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (1), 129-143, 2019
ROSE: Cluster resource scheduling via speculative over-subscription
X Sun, C Hu, R Yang, P Garraghan, T Wo, J Xu, J Zhu, C Li
2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2018
SE-GSL: A General and Effective Graph Structure Learning Framework through Structural Entropy Optimization
D Zou, H Peng, X Huang, R Yang, J Li, J Wu, C Liu, PS Yu
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference (WWW), 499-510, 2023
RoSGAS: Adaptive Social Bot Detection with Reinforced Self-supervised GNN Architecture Search
Y Yang, R Yang, Y Li, K Cui, Z Yang, Y Wang, J Xu, H Xie
ACM Transactions on the Web 17 (3), 1-31, 2023
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Articles 1–20