Maryam Rezaei
Maryam Rezaei
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Biallelic PADI6 variants linking infertility, miscarriages, and hydatidiform moles
JH Qian, NMP Nguyen, M Rezaei, B Huang, YL Tao, XF Zhang, Q Cheng, ...
European Journal of human genetics 26 (7), 1007-1013, 2018
The genetics of recurrent hydatidiform moles: new insights and lessons from a comprehensive analysis of 113 patients
NMP Nguyen, Y Khawajkie, N Mechtouf, M Rezaei, M Breguet, ...
Modern Pathology 31 (7), 1116-1130, 2018
Two novel mutations in the KHDC3L gene in Asian patients with recurrent hydatidiform mole
M Rezaei, NMP Nguyen, L Foroughinia, P Dash, F Ahmadpour, IC Verma, ...
Human genome variation 3 (1), 1-5, 2016
The genomic architecture of NLRP7 is Alu rich and predisposes to disease-associated large deletions
R Reddy, NMP Nguyen, G Sarrabay, M Rezaei, MCG Rivas, A Kavasoglu, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 24 (10), 1445-1452, 2016
Novel pathogenic variants in NLRP7, NLRP5, and PADI6 in patients with recurrent hydatidiform moles and reproductive failure
M Rezaei, B Suresh, E Bereke, Z Hadipour, M Aguinaga, J Qian, R Bagga, ...
Clinical Genetics 99 (6), 823-828, 2021
A protein-truncating mutation in CCNB3 in a patient with recurrent miscarriages and failure of meiosis I
M Rezaei, W Buckett, E Bareke, U Surti, J Majewski, R Slim
Journal of Medical Genetics 59 (6), 568-570, 2022
The genetics of recurrent hydatidiform moles in Mexico: further evidence of a strong founder effect for one mutation in NLRP7 and its widespread
M Aguinaga, M Rezaei, I Monroy, N Mechtouf, J Pérez, E Moreno, ...
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 38, 1879-1886, 2021
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M Rezaei, B Suresh, E Bereke, Z Hadipour, M Aguinaga, J Qian, R Bagga, ...
Clinical Genetics 99 (6), 2021
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