Jamie Yoder
Jamie Yoder
Associate Professor, Colorado State University
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Cited by
Parent’s perceptions of involvement in children’s education: Findings from a qualitative study of public housing residents
JR Yoder, A Lopez
Child and adolescent social work journal 30, 415-433, 2013
Childhood maltreatment experiences, attachment, sexual offending: Testing a theory
MD Grady, J Yoder, A Brown
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (11-12), NP6183-NP6217, 2021
Moving beyond fatherhood involvement: The association between father–child relationship quality and youth delinquency trajectories
JR Yoder, D Brisson, A Lopez
Family Relations 65 (3), 462-476, 2016
Trauma among street-involved youth
KA Bender, SJ Thompson, KM Ferguson, JR Yoder, L Kern
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 22 (1), 53-64, 2014
Development and validation of a positive youth development measure: The Bridge-Positive Youth Development
A Lopez, JR Yoder, D Brisson, S Lechuga-Pena, JM Jenson
Research on Social Work Practice 25 (6), 726-736, 2015
Explaining homeless youths’ criminal justice interactions: Childhood trauma or surviving life on the streets?
JR Yoder, K Bender, SJ Thompson, KM Ferguson, B Haffejee
Community Mental Health Journal 50, 135-144, 2014
Parental and peer attachment characteristics: Differentiating between youth sexual and non-sexual offenders and associations with sexual offense profiles
JR Yoder, GS Leibowitz, L Peterson
Journal of interpersonal violence 33 (17), 2643-2663, 2018
Family experiences and sexual victimization histories: A comparative analysis between youth sexual and nonsexual offenders
J Yoder, R Dillard, GS Leibowitz
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 62 (10 …, 2018
The effects of family contact on community reentry plans among incarcerated youths
DA Ruch, JR Yoder
Victims & Offenders 13 (5), 609-627, 2018
Executive dysfunction predicts delinquency but not characteristics of sexual aggression among adolescent sexual offenders
D Burton, S Demuynck, JR Yoder
Sexual Abuse 28 (8), 707-721, 2016
Challenges and strategies for conducting program-based research in after-school settings
K Bender, D Brisson, JM Jenson, S Forrest-Bank, A Lopez, J Yoder
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 28, 319-334, 2011
Relationships between early life victimization, antisocial traits, and sexual violence: Executive functioning as a mediator
J Yoder, MD Grady, M Precht
Journal of child sexual abuse 28 (6), 667-689, 2019
Training social work graduate students in the evidence-based practice process
K Bender, I Altschul, J Yoder, D Parrish, SJ Nickels
Research on Social Work Practice 24 (3), 339-348, 2014
Effects of childhood polyvictimization on victimization in juvenile correctional facilities: The mediating role of trauma symptomatology
JR Yoder, AI Hodge, D Ruch, R Dillard
Youth violence and juvenile justice 17 (2), 129-153, 2019
Perceptions of recidivism among incarcerated youth: The relationship between exposure to childhood trauma, mental health status, and the protective effect of mental health …
JR Yoder, K Whitaker, CR Quinn
Advances in Social Work 18 (1), 250-269, 2017
Substance use and victimization: Street-involved youths' perspectives and service implications
K Bender, SJ Thompson, K Ferguson, C Komlo, C Taylor, J Yoder
Children and Youth Services Review 34 (12), 2392-2399, 2012
Youth who have sexually offended: Using strengths and rapport to engage families in treatment
J Yoder, D Ruch
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 2521-2531, 2015
The impact of family service involvement on treatment completion and general recidivism among male youthful sexual offenders
JR Yoder, J Hansen, C Lobanov-Rostovsky, D Ruch
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 54 (4), 256-277, 2015
Risk detection and self‐protection among homeless youth
K Bender, S Thompson, K Ferguson, J Yoder, A DePrince
Journal of Research on Adolescence 25 (2), 352-365, 2015
Families of youth who have sexually offended: Understanding shared experiences and moving towards a typology
JR Yoder, D Ruch, A Hodge
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25, 1581-1593, 2016
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Articles 1–20