Luigi Lombardi
Luigi Lombardi
Università di Trento, University of Trento
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Semantic relevance and semantic disorders
G Sartori, L Lombardi
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16 (3), 439-452, 2004
Semantic relevance best predicts normal and abnormal name retrieval
G Sartori, L Lombardi, L Mattiuzzi
Neuropsychologia 43 (5), 754-770, 2005
Cognitive network science reveals bias in gpt-3, gpt-3.5 turbo, and gpt-4 mirroring math anxiety in high-school students
K Abramski, S Citraro, L Lombardi, G Rossetti, M Stella
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 7 (3), 124, 2023
Brain dynamics of attention and working memory engagement in subitizing
S Pagano, L Lombardi, V Mazza
Brain Research 1543, 244-252, 2014
Analyzing spatial data from mouse tracker methodology: An entropic approach
A Calcagnì, L Lombardi, S Sulpizio
Behavior Research Methods, 1-19, 2017
Pseudodiagnosticity revisited.
V Crupi, K Tentori, L Lombardi
Psychological Review 116 (4), 971, 2009
Organizational socialization of women in the Italian Army: Learning processes and proactive tactics
M Atzori, L Lombardi, F Fraccaroli, A Battistelli, S Zaniboni
Journal of Workplace Learning 20 (5), 327-347, 2008
Dynamic Fuzzy Rating Tracker (DYFRAT): A novel methodology for modeling real-time dynamic cognitive processes in rating scales
A Calcagnì, L Lombardi
Applied Soft Computing 24, 948-961, 2014
Semantic relevance, domain specificity and the sensory/functional theory of category-specificity
G Sartori, F Gnoato, I Mariani, S Prioni, L Lombardi
Neuropsychologia 45 (5), 966-976, 2007
Factors associated with higher fecundity in female maternal relatives of homosexual men
AS Camperio Ciani, L Fontanesi, F Iemmola, E Giannella, C Ferron, ...
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 9 (11), 2878-2887, 2012
The impact of faking on Cronbach’s alpha for dichotomous and ordered rating scores
M Pastore, L Lombardi
Quality & Quantity 48, 1191-1211, 2014
Quality of life and motor impairment in ALS: Italian validation of ALSAQ
A Palmieri, G Soraru, L Lombardi, C d'Ascenzo, L Baggio, M Ermani, ...
Neurological research 32 (1), 32-40, 2010
Reaching to sounds in virtual reality: A multisensory-motor approach to promote adaptation to altered auditory cues
C Valzolgher, G Verdelet, R Salemme, L Lombardi, V Gaveau, A Farné, ...
Neuropsychologia 149, 107665, 2020
Sensitivity of fit indices to fake perturbation of ordinal data: a sample by replacement approach
L Lombardi, M Pastore
Multivariate Behavioral Research 47 (4), 519-546, 2012
Feature type effects in semantic memory: An event related potentials study
G Sartori, D Polezzi, F Mameli, L Lombardi
Neuroscience Letters 390 (3), 139-144, 2005
Rebuilding Consumer Trust in the Context of a Food Crisis1
L Savadori, M Graffeo, N Bonini, L Lombardi, K Tentori, R Rumiati
Trust in Risk Management: Uncertainty and Scepticism in the Public Mind. In …, 2010
Hierarchical classes modeling of rating data
I Van Mechelen, L Lombardi, E Ceulemans
Psychometrika 72 (4), 475-488, 2007
Models of relevant cue integration in name retrieval
L Lombardi, G Sartori
Journal of Memory and Language 57 (1), 101-125, 2007
The mediational effect of social support between organizational identification and employees’ health: A three-wave study on the social cure model
L Avanzi, E Perinelli, M Bressan, C Balducci, L Lombardi, F Fraccaroli, ...
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 34 (4), 465-478, 2021
A Bayesian brain model of adaptive behavior: an application to the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task
M D’Alessandro, ST Radev, A Voss, L Lombardi
PeerJ 8, e10316, 2020
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Articles 1–20