Cuiqing Jiang
Cuiqing Jiang
professor of management, Hefei University of technology
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Identifying effective influencers based on trust for electronic word-of-mouth marketing: A domain-aware approach
S Liu, C Jiang, Z Lin, Y Ding, R Duan, Z Xu
Information sciences 306, 34-52, 2015
Investigating the role of social presence dimensions and information support on consumers’ trust and shopping intentions
C Jiang, RM Rashid, J Wang
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 51, 263-270, 2019
Loan default prediction by combining soft information extracted from descriptive text in online peer-to-peer lending
C Jiang, Z Wang, R Wang, Y Ding
Annals of Operations Research 266 (1), 511-529, 2018
Assessing product competitive advantages from the perspective of customers by mining user-generated content on social media
Y Liu, C Jiang, H Zhao
Decision Support Systems 123, 113079, 2019
Using contextual features and multi-view ensemble learning in product defect identification from online discussion forums
Y Liu, C Jiang, H Zhao
Decision Support Systems 105, 1-12, 2018
A novel behavioral scoring model for estimating probability of default over time in peer-to-peer lending
Z Wang, C Jiang, Y Ding, X Lyu, Y Liu
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 27, 74-82, 2018
Mining semantic soft factors for credit risk evaluation in peer-to-peer lending
Z Wang, C Jiang, H Zhao, Y Ding
Journal of Management Information Systems 37 (1), 282-308, 2020
A prediction-driven mixture cure model and its application in credit scoring
C Jiang, Z Wang, H Zhao
European Journal of Operational Research 277 (1), 20-31, 2019
Combining review-based collaborative filtering and matrix factorization: A solution to rating's sparsity problem
R Duan, C Jiang, HK Jain
Decision Support Systems 156, 113748, 2022
Capturing helpful reviews from social media for product quality improvement: a multi-class classification approach
C Jiang, Y Liu, Y Ding, K Liang, R Duan
International Journal of Production Research 55 (12), 3528-3541, 2017
Evaluating the credit risk of SMEs using legal judgments
C Yin, C Jiang, HK Jain, Z Wang
Decision Support Systems 136, 113364, 2020
Hybrid collaborative filtering for high-involvement products: A solution to opinion sparsity and dynamics
C Jiang, R Duan, HK Jain, S Liu, K Liang
Decision Support Systems 79, 195-208, 2015
Analyzing market performance via social media: a case study of a banking industry crisis
CQ Jiang, K Liang, H Chen, Y Ding
Science China Information Sciences 57, 1-18, 2014
Mining semantic features in current reports for financial distress prediction: Empirical evidence from unlisted public firms in China
C Jiang, X Lyu, Y Yuan, Z Wang, Y Ding
International Journal of Forecasting 38 (3), 1086-1099, 2022
Domain-aware trust network extraction for trust propagation in large-scale heterogeneous trust networks
C Jiang, S Liu, Z Lin, G Zhao, R Duan, K Liang
Knowledge-Based Systems 111, 237-247, 2016
A privacy-preserving decentralized credit scoring method based on multi-party information
H He, Z Wang, H Jain, C Jiang, S Yang
Decision Support Systems 166, 113910, 2023
Benchmarking state-of-the-art imbalanced data learning approaches for credit scoring
C Jiang, W Lu, Z Wang, Y Ding
Expert systems with applications 213, 118878, 2023
Identifying helpful quality-related reviews from social media based on attractive quality theory
Y Liu, C Jiang, Y Ding, Z Wang, X Lv, J Wang
Total quality management & business excellence 30 (15-16), 1596-1615, 2019
Identifying top persuaders in mixed trust networks for electronic marketing based on word-of-mouth
X Hu, S Liu, Y Zhang, G Zhao, C Jiang
Knowledge-Based Systems 182, 104803, 2019
The nature of sellers’ cyber credit in C2C e-commerce: The perspective of social capital
K Liang, C Jiang, Z Lin, W Ning, Z Jia
Electronic Commerce Research 17, 133-147, 2017
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Articles 1–20