Xiebin Wang
Xiebin Wang
Full Professor, Shandong University
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Cited by
Changing the alloy composition of Al7075 for better processability by selective laser melting
ML Montero-Sistiaga, R Mertens, B Vrancken, X Wang, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 238, 437-445, 2016
Effect of process parameters on the phase transformation behavior and tensile properties of NiTi shape memory alloys fabricated by selective laser melting
X Wang, J Yu, J Liu, L Chen, Q Yang, H Wei, J Sun, Z Wang, Z Zhang, ...
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101545, 2020
Effect of scanning speed on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of 316L stainless steel fabricated by selective laser melting
J Liu, Y Song, C Chen, X Wang, H Li, J Wang, K Guo, J Sun
Materials & Design 186, 108355, 2020
Effect of nanoprecipitates on the transformation behavior and functional properties of a Ti–50.8 at.% Ni alloy with micron-sized grains
X Wang, S Kustov, K Li, D Schryvers, B Verlinden, J Van Humbeeck
Acta Materialia 82, 224-233, 2015
Selective laser melting produced layer-structured NiTi shape memory alloys with high damping properties and Elinvar effect
X Wang, M Speirs, S Kustov, B Vrancken, X Li, JP Kruth, J Van Humbeeck
Scripta Materialia 146, 246-250, 2018
On the transformation behavior of NiTi shape-memory alloy produced by SLM
M Speirs, X Wang, S Van Baelen, A Ahadi, S Dadbakhsh, JP Kruth, ...
Shape Memory and Superelasticity 2, 310-316, 2016
R-phase transformation in NiTi alloys
XB Wang, B Verlinden, J Van Humbeeck
Materials Science and Technology 30 (13), 1517-1529, 2014
A short review on the microstructure, transformation behavior and functional properties of NiTi shape memory alloys fabricated by selective laser melting
X Wang, S Kustov, J Van Humbeeck
Materials 11 (9), 1683, 2018
Achieving Ti6Al4V alloys with both high strength and ductility via selective laser melting
J Liu, Q Sun, X Wang, H Li, K Guo, J Sun
Materials Science and Engineering: A 766, 138319, 2019
Effect of scanning strategies on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of 316L stainless steel fabricated by selective laser melting
Y Song, Q Sun, K Guo, X Wang, J Liu, J Sun
Materials Science and Engineering: A 793, 139879, 2020
Improved functional stability of a coarse-grained Ti-50.8 at.% Ni shape memory alloy achieved by precipitation on dislocation networks
X Wang, Z Pu, Q Yang, S Huang, Z Wang, S Kustov, J Van Humbeeck
Scripta Materialia 163, 57-61, 2019
Investigation of dynamic recrystallization and modeling of microstructure evolution of an Al-Mg-Si aluminum alloy during high-temperature deformation
C Zhang, C Wang, R Guo, G Zhao, L Chen, W Sun, X Wang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 773, 59-70, 2019
Effect of post-deformation annealing on the R-phase transformation temperatures in NiTi shape memory alloys
X Wang, B Verlinden, J Van Humbeeck
Intermetallics 62, 43-49, 2015
Effect of grain size on aging microstructure as reflected in the transformation behavior of a low-temperature aged Ti–50.8 at.% Ni alloy
X Wang, C Li, B Verlinden, J Van Humbeeck
Scripta Materialia 69 (7), 545-548, 2013
Fundamental development on utilizing the R-phase transformation in NiTi shape memory alloys
X Wang, S Kustov, B Verlinden, J Van Humbeeck
Shape memory and superelasticity 1, 231-239, 2015
Understanding the effect of scanning strategies on the microstructure and crystallographic texture of Ti-6Al-4V alloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
J Liu, G Li, Q Sun, H Li, J Sun, X Wang
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 299, 117366, 2022
R-phase transition and related mechanical properties controlled by low-temperature aging treatment in a Ti–50.8 at.% Ni thin wire
X Wang, K Li, D Schryvers, B Verlinden, J Van Humbeeck
Scripta Materialia 72, 21-24, 2014
Analysis of microstructure, mechanical properties, wear characteristics and corrosion behavior of SLM-NiTi under different process parameters
Z Yu, Z Xu, Y Guo, P Sha, R Liu, R Xin, L Li, L Chen, X Wang, Z Zhang, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 75, 637-650, 2022
Microstructure, phase transformation behavior and tensile superelasticity of NiTi shape memory alloys fabricated by the wire-based vacuum additive manufacturing
Z Pu, D Du, K Wang, G Liu, D Zhang, X Wang, B Chang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 812, 141077, 2021
Thermal cycling induced room temperature aging effect in Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy
X Wang, J Van Humbeeck, B Verlinden, S Kustov
Scripta Materialia 113, 206-208, 2016
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Articles 1–20