Mary Bryce Hargis
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Cited by
Gist-based memory for prices and “better buys” in younger and older adults
CC Flores, MB Hargis, S McGillivray, MC Friedman, AD Castel
Memory 25, 565-573, 2017
Younger and older adults’ associative memory for social information: The role of information importance
MB Hargis, AD Castel
Psychology and Aging, 2017
Younger and older adults’ associative memory for medication interactions of varying severity
MB Hargis, AD Castel
Memory 26 (8), 1151-1158, 2018
Improving medication understanding and adherence using principles of memory and metacognition
MB Hargis, AD Castel
Policy insights from the behavioral and brain sciences 5 (2), 147-154, 2018
Memory for weather information in younger and older adults: Tests of verbatim and gist memory
HB Gallo, MB Hargis, AD Castel
Experimental aging research 45 (3), 252-265, 2019
Metacognition and proofreading: the roles of aging, motivation, and interest
MB Hargis, CL Yue, T Kerr, K Ikeda, K Murayama, AD Castel
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 24, 216-226, 2017
Knowing what others know: Younger and older adults’ perspective-taking and memory for medication information
MB Hargis, AD Castel
Journal of applied research in memory and cognition 8 (4), 481-493, 2019
Younger and older adults’ strategic use of associative memory and metacognitive control when learning foreign vocabulary words of varying importance.
DH Murphy, MB Hargis, AD Castel
Psychology and aging 38 (2), 103, 2023
The effect of external store reliance on actual and predicted value-directed remembering
JS Park, MO Kelly, MB Hargis, EF Risko
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 29 (4), 1367-1376, 2022
If teaching evaluations don’t measure learning, what do they do?
DM Oppenheimer, MB Hargis
Elsevier Science 9 (2), 170, 2020
Motivated memory, learning, and decision-making in older age: Shifts in priorities and goals.
MB Hargis, ALM Siegel, AD Castel
American Psychological Association, 2019
Memory for textbook covers: When and why we remember a book by its cover
MB Hargis, S McGillivray, AD Castel
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2017
Changes in memory and metacognition in older adulthood
ALM Siegel, MC Whatley, MB Hargis, AD Castel
The Aging Consumer: Perspectives from Psychology and Marketing, 2020
Remembering proper names as a potential exception to the better-than-average effect in younger and older adults.
MB Hargis, MC Whatley, AD Castel
Psychology and Aging 35 (4), 497, 2020
Improving medication understanding and adherence using principles of memory and metacognition. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5 (2), 147–154
MB Hargis, AD Castel
Commentary: greater emotional gain from giving in older adults: age-related positivity bias in charitable giving
MB Hargis, DM Oppenheimer
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1075, 2016
Take a load off: examining partial and complete cognitive offloading of medication information
LL Richmond, J Kearley, ST Schwartz, MB Hargis
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 8 (1), 12, 2023
Aging, motivation, and memory for important information
MB Hargis
University of California, Los Angeles, 2019
Reward motivation more consistently modulates memory for younger compared to older adults in a directed forgetting task.
HJ Bowen, MB Hargis, DH Moon, SN Gallant
Psychology and Aging 38 (5), 468, 2023
Exploring the temporal dynamics of motivated remembering and forgetting in younger and older adults
HJ Bowen, MB Hargis, DH Moon, SN Gallant
Available at SSRN 4017441, 2022
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Articles 1–20