Alyssa Croft
Alyssa Croft
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An underexamined inequality: Cultural and psychological barriers to men’s engagement with communal roles
A Croft, T Schmader, K Block
Personality and Social Psychology Review 19 (4), 343-370, 2015
The second shift reflected in the second generation: Do parents’ gender roles at home predict children’s aspirations?
A Croft, T Schmader, K Block, AS Baron
Psychological Science 25 (7), 1418-1428, 2014
Women’s visibility in academic seminars: Women ask fewer questions than men
AJ Carter, A Croft, D Lukas, GM Sandstrom
PloS one 13 (9), e0202743, 2018
Worth less?: Why men (and women) devalue care-oriented careers
K Block, A Croft, T Schmader
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1353, 2018
The feedback withholding bias: Minority students do not receive critical feedback from evaluators concerned about appearing racist
A Croft, T Schmader
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (5), 1139-1144, 2012
Do people care if men don't care about caring? The asymmetry in support for changing gender roles
K Block, A Croft, L De Souza, T Schmader
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 83, 112-131, 2019
Stereotype threat in intergroup relations.
T Schmader, W Hall, A Croft
American Psychological Association, 2015
From tribulations to appreciation: Experiencing adversity in the past predicts greater savoring in the present
A Croft, EW Dunn, J Quoidbach
Social Psychological and Personality Science 5 (5), 511-516, 2014
Gender differences in grief narrative construction: a myth or reality?
EM Stelzer, C Atkinson, MF O’Connor, A Croft
European journal of psychotraumatology 10 (1), 1688130, 2019
Implicit and explicit emotional reactions to witnessing prejudice
T Schmader, A Croft, M Scarnier, B Lickel, WB Mendes
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 15 (3), 379-392, 2012
Loosening the GRIP (gender roles inhibiting prosociality) to promote gender equality
A Croft, C Atkinson, G Sandstrom, S Orbell, L Aknin
Personality and Social Psychology Review 25 (1), 66-92, 2021
Life in the balance: Are women’s possible selves constrained by men’s domestic involvement?
A Croft, T Schmader, K Block
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (5), 808-823, 2019
A peek inside the targets' toolbox: How stigmatized targets deflect discrimination by invoking a common identity
T Schmader, A Croft, J Whitehead, J Stone
Social Psychological Perspectives on Stigma, 141-149, 2016
Explaining sex differences in existential isolation research
PJ Helm, LG Rothschild, J Greenberg, A Croft
Personality and Individual Differences 134, 283-288, 2018
How stereotypes stifle performance potential
T Schmader, A Croft
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 5 (10), 792-806, 2011
Settling down without settling: Perceived changes in partner preferences in response to COVID-19
C Alexopoulos, E Timmermans, LL Sharabi, DJ Roaché, A Croft, ED Hall, ...
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (6), 1901-1919, 2021
A social identity threat perspective on being the target of generosity from a higher status other
GM Sandstrom, T Schmader, A Croft, N Kwok
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 82, 98-114, 2019
Gender gap in parental leave intentions: Evidence from 37 countries
MIT Olsson, S Van Grootel, K Block, C Schuster, L Meeussen, C Van Laar, ...
Political psychology 44 (6), 1163-1192, 2023
Breadwinner Seeks Bottle Warmer: How Women’s Future Aspirations and Expectations Predict Their Current Mate Preferences
A Croft, T Schmader, A Beall, M Schaller
Sex Roles 82, 633–643, 2020
Promoting gender equality by supporting men’s emotional flexibility
A Croft, C Atkinson, AM May
Policy insights from the behavioral and brain sciences 8 (1), 42-49, 2021
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Articles 1–20