Dewey W. Dunnington
Cited by
Cited by
RStudio.(2016). ggplot2: Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
H Wickham, W Chang, L Henry, TL Pedersen, K Takahashi, C Wilke, ...
Computer software program available from https://cran. rproject. org/package …, 2019
sf: Simple Features for R
E Pebesma, R Bivand, E Racine, M Sumner, I Cook, T Keitt, R Lovelace, ...
R package version 1, 2021
ggspatial: Spatial Data Framework for ggplot2. R package version 1.1. 5
D Dunnington
Chemical recovery and browning of Nova Scotia surface waters in response to declining acid deposition
D Redden, BF Trueman, DW Dunnington, LE Anderson, GA Gagnon
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 23 (3), 446-456, 2021
The distribution and transport of lead over two centuries as recorded by lake sediments from northeastern North America
DW Dunnington, S Roberts, SA Norton, IS Spooner, J Kurek, JL Kirk, ...
Science of the Total Environment 737, 140212, 2020
tidypaleo: visualizing paleoenvironmental archives using ggplot2
DW Dunnington, N Libera, J Kurek, IS Spooner, GA Gagnon
Journal of Statistical Software 101, 1-20, 2022
prettymapr: scale bar, north arrow, and pretty margins in R
D Dunnington
Package ‘prettymapr’for the statistical software R. Downloaded on March 3, 2020, 2017
Comparing the Predictive performance, interpretability, and accessibility of machine learning and physically based models for water treatment
DW Dunnington, BF Trueman, WJ Raseman, LE Anderson, GA Gagnon
ACS ES&T Engineering 1 (3), 348-356, 2020
van den, Posit & PBC (2024a). ggplot2: Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics(3.5. 0)
H Wickham, W Chang, L Henry, TL Pedersen, K Takahashi, C Wilke, ...
Anthropogenic activity in the Halifax region, Nova Scotia, Canada, as recorded by bulk geochemistry of lake sediments
DW Dunnington, IS Spooner, WH Krkošek, GA Gagnon, RJ Cornett, ...
Lake and Reservoir Management 34 (4), 334-348, 2018
Late Holocene records of changing moisture regime from wetlands in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada: implications for wetland conservation and restoration
I Spooner, S Principato, N Hill, H White, D Dunnington, T Neily, S Stolze
Northeastern Naturalist 24 (3), 331-348, 2017
Evaluating the utility of elemental measurements obtained from factory-calibrated field-portable X-Ray fluorescence units for aquatic sediments
DW Dunnington, IS Spooner, ML Mallory, CE White, GA Gagnon
Environmental Pollution 249, 45-53, 2019
Relative importance of organic-and iron-based colloids in six Nova Scotian lakes
LE Anderson, BF Trueman, DW Dunnington, GA Gagnon
npj Clean Water 4 (1), 26, 2021
A paleolimnological archive of metal sequestration and release in the Cumberland Basin Marshes, Atlantic Canada
DW Dunnington, H White, IS Spooner, ML Mallory, C White, NJ O’Driscoll, ...
Facets 2 (1), 440-460, 2017
A geochemical perspective on the impact of development at Alta Lake, British Columbia, Canada
DW Dunnington, IS Spooner, CE White, R Jack Cornett, D Williamson, ...
Journal of paleolimnology 56, 315-330, 2016
Boat Harbour gravity core sediment survey
I Spooner, D Dunnington
Draft report to Nova Scotia Lands Inc, 15, 2016
Tidyphreeqc: Tidy geochemical modeling using PHREEQC
D Dunnington
Retrieved on February 13, 2020, 2019
Application of the paleolimnological method to assess metal contaminant distribution (As, Cu, Pb, Zn) in pulp mill stabilization basin sediments, Nova Scotia, Canada
KB Davidson, BEJ Holmes, IS Spooner, DW Dunnington, TR Walker, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (37), 51342-51355, 2021
s2: spherical geometry operators using the S2 geometry library
D Dunnington, E Pebesma, E Rubak
Evaluating the performance of calculated elemental measures in sediment archives
DW Dunnington, BRB Gregory, IS Spooner, CE White, GA Gagnon
Journal of Paleolimnology 64, 155-166, 2020
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Articles 1–20