Kiya Riverman
Kiya Riverman
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Channelized ice melting in the ocean boundary layer beneath Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica
TP Stanton, WJ Shaw, M Truffer, HFJ Corr, LE Peters, KL Riverman, ...
Science 341 (6151), 1236-1239, 2013
Dilatant till facilitates ice-stream flow in northeast Greenland
K Christianson, LE Peters, RB Alley, S Anandakrishnan, RW Jacobel, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 401, 57-69, 2014
Ice-shelf tidal flexure and subglacial pressure variations
RT Walker, BR Parizek, RB Alley, S Anandakrishnan, KL Riverman, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 361, 422-428, 2013
Initial results from geophysical surveys and shallow coring of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS)
P Vallelonga, K Christianson, RB Alley, S Anandakrishnan, JEM Christian, ...
The Cryosphere 8 (4), 1275-1287, 2014
Heterogeneous melting near the Thwaites Glacier grounding line
BE Schmidt, P Washam, PED Davis, KW Nicholls, DM Holland, ...
Nature 614 (7948), 471-478, 2023
Basal conditions and ice dynamics inferred from radar-derived internal stratigraphy of the northeast Greenland ice stream
BA Keisling, K Christianson, RB Alley, LE Peters, JEM Christian, ...
Annals of Glaciology 55 (67), 127-137, 2014
Subglacial bathymetry and sediment distribution beneath Pine Island Glacier ice shelf modeled using aerogravity and in situ geophysical data: New results
A Muto, LE Peters, K Gohl, I Sasgen, RB Alley, S Anandakrishnan, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 433, 63-75, 2016
Suppressed basal melting in the eastern Thwaites Glacier grounding zone
PED Davis, KW Nicholls, DM Holland, BE Schmidt, P Washam, ...
Nature 614 (7948), 479-485, 2023
Enhanced firn densification in high‐accumulation shear margins of the NE Greenland ice stream
KL Riverman, RB Alley, S Anandakrishnan, K Christianson, ND Holschuh, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124 (2), 365-382, 2019
Bedforms of Thwaites glacier, west antarctica: character and origin
RB Alley, N Holschuh, DR MacAyeal, BR Parizek, L Zoet, K Riverman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 126 (12), e2021JF006339, 2021
Wet subglacial bedforms of the NE Greenland Ice Stream shear margins
KL Riverman, S Anandakrishnan, RB Alley, N Holschuh, CF Dow, A Muto, ...
Annals of Glaciology 60 (80), 91-99, 2019
Geophysical constraints on the properties of a subglacial lake in northwest Greenland
R Maguire, N Schmerr, E Pettit, K Riverman, C Gardner, DN DellaGiustina, ...
The Cryosphere 15 (7), 3279-3291, 2021
Ice-shelf tidal flexure and subglacial pressure variations, Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 361, 422–428
RT Walker, BR Parizek, RB Alley, S Anandakrishnan, KL Riverman, ...
Melting temperature changes during slip across subglacial cavities drive basal mass exchange
AW Rempel, CR Meyer, KL Riverman
Journal of Glaciology 68 (267), 197-203, 2022
GHOSTly flute music: drumlins, moats and the bed of Thwaites Glacier
RB Alley, N Holschuh, B Parizek, LK Zoet, K Riverman, A Muto, ...
Annals of Glaciology 63 (87-89), 153-157, 2022
Geophysical constraints on the properties of a subglacial lake in northwest Greenland.
R Maguire, N Schmerr, E Pettit, K Riverman, C Gardner, D Della-Giustina, ...
Cryosphere Discussions, 2020
The grounding zone of Thwaites Glacier explored by Icefin
B Schmidt, K Nicholls, P Davis, J Smith, K Riverman, D Holland, D Dichek, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 20512, 2020
Melting at the grounding zone of Thwaites Glacier observed by Icefin
BE Schmidt, P Washam, PED Davis, KW Nicholls, J Lawrence, J Smith, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, C057-04, 2020
Reflection seismic interpretation of topography and acoustic impedance beneath Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
E Clyne, S Anandakrishnan, A Muto, R Alley, D Voight, K Riverman
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1304, 2020
Flow dynamics of the NE Greenland Ice Stream with hydrological insights from englacial exploration of Larsbreen, Svalbard
KL Riverman
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Articles 1–20