Sonya Legg
Sonya Legg
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
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Cited by
The formation and fate of internal waves in the South China Sea
MH Alford, T Peacock, JA MacKinnon, JD Nash, MC Buijsman, ...
Nature 521 (7550), 65-69, 2015
The GFDL global ocean and sea ice model OM4. 0: Model description and simulation features
A Adcroft, W Anderson, V Balaji, C Blanton, M Bushuk, CO Dufour, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (10), 3167-3211, 2019
Rapidly rotating turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
K Julien, S Legg, J McWilliams, J Werne
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 322, 243-273, 1996
Climate process team on internal wave–driven ocean mixing
JA MacKinnon, Z Zhao, CB Whalen, AF Waterhouse, DS Trossman, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (11), 2429-2454, 2017
Challenges and prospects in ocean circulation models
B Fox-Kemper, A Adcroft, CW Böning, EP Chassignet, E Curchitser, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 65, 2019
Improving oceanic overflow representation in climate models: The gravity current entrainment climate process team
S Legg, T Ezer, L Jackson, BP Briegleb, G Danabasoglu, WG Large, ...
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc 90, 657-670, 2009
Comparison of entrainment in overflows simulated by z-coordinate, isopycnal and non-hydrostatic models
S Legg, RW Hallberg, JB Girton
Ocean Modelling 11 (1-2), 69-97, 2006
Internal wave breaking at concave and convex continental slopes
S Legg, A Adcroft
Journal of Physical Oceanography 33 (11), 2224-2246, 2003
Sensitivity of the ocean state to the vertical distribution of internal-tide-driven mixing
A Melet, R Hallberg, S Legg, K Polzin
Journal of Physical Oceanography 43 (3), 602-615, 2013
The Labrador Sea deep convection experiment
Lab Sea Group
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 79 (10), 2033-2058, 1998
Internal hydraulic jumps and overturning generated by tidal flow over a tall steep ridge
S Legg, J Klymak
Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (9), 1949-1964, 2008
Preliminary simulations of internal waves and mixing generated by finite amplitude tidal flow over isolated topography
S Legg, KMH Huijts
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (1-2), 140-156, 2006
A heton model of the spreading phase of open-ocean deep convection
S Legg, J Marshall
Journal of physical oceanography 23 (6), 1040-1056, 1993
Double-ridge internal tide interference and its effect on dissipation in Luzon Strait
MC Buijsman, S Legg, J Klymak
Journal of Physical Oceanography 42 (8), 1337-1356, 2012
A mechanism for local dissipation of internal tides generated at rough topography
M Nikurashin, S Legg
Journal of Physical Oceanography 41 (2), 378-395, 2011
Three-dimensional double-ridge internal tide resonance in Luzon Strait
MC Buijsman, JM Klymak, S Legg, MH Alford, D Farmer, JA MacKinnon, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (3), 850-869, 2014
Climatic impacts of parameterized local and remote tidal mixing
A Melet, S Legg, R Hallberg
Journal of Climate 29 (10), 3473-3500, 2016
A parameterization of shear-driven turbulence for ocean climate models
L Jackson, R Hallberg, S Legg
Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (5), 1033-1053, 2008
Localization of deep ocean convection by a mesoscale eddy
S Legg, J McWilliams, J Gao
Journal of Physical Oceanography 28 (5), 944-970, 1998
A simple mixing scheme for models that resolve breaking internal waves
JM Klymak, SM Legg
Ocean Modelling 33 (3-4), 224-234, 2010
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Articles 1–20