Laure Kloetzer
Laure Kloetzer
Full Professor in Soiocultural Psychology, University of Neuchâtel
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Cited by
Citizen science, education, and learning: challenges and opportunities
J Roche, L Bell, C Galvão, YN Golumbic, L Kloetzer, N Knoben, M Laakso, ...
Frontiers in Sociology 5, 613814, 2020
Motivations, learning and creativity in online citizen science
C Jennett, L Kloetzer, D Schneider, I Iacovides, AL Cox, M Gold, B Fuchs, ...
Journal of Science Communication 15 (3), 2016
Learning in citizen science
L Kloetzer, J Lorke, J Roche, Y Golumbic, S Winter, A Jõgeva, K Vohland
The science of citizen science 283, 2021
Stimulating dialogue at work: The activity clinic approach to learning and development
L Kloetzer, Y Clot, E Quillerou-Grivot
Francophone perspectives of learning through work: Conceptions, traditions …, 2015
26. Learning and developing science capital through citizen science
S Hecker, M Haklay, A Bowser, Z Makuch, J Vogel, A Bonn
Citizen science: Innovation in open science, society and policy, 381-390, 2018
Turning students into citizen scientists
J Harlin, L Kloetzer, D Patton, C Leonhard
UCL Press, 2018
Machine learning in citizen science: Promises and implications
M Franzen, L Kloetzer, M Ponti, J Trojan, J Vicens
The science of citizen science 183, 2021
Learning by volunteer computing, thinking and gaming: What and how are volunteers learning by participating in Virtual Citizen Science?
L Kloetzer, D Scheider, C Jennett, I Iacovides, A Eveleigh, AL Cox, M Gold
Changing configurations of adult education in transitional times: Conference …, 2013
Strengths, risks and limits of doing participatory research in migration studies
D Mata-Codesal, L Kloetzer, C Maiztegui-Oñate
Migration Letters 17 (2), 201-210, 2020
Not so passive: engagement and learning in Volunteer Computing projects
L Kloetzer, J Da Costa, DK Schneider
Human Computation 3 (1), 25-68, 2016
Controversy as a developmental tool in cross self-confrontation analysis
K Kostulski, L Kloetzer
Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (2), 54-73, 2014
Engaging workers in WRMSD prevention: Two interdisciplinary case studies in an activity clinic
L Kloetzer, E Quillerou-Grivot, P Simonet
Work 51 (2), 161-173, 2015
Citizen science, education, and learning: challenges and opportunities
S Winter
Frontiers in sociology 5, 1-20, 2020
Development of professional concepts through work analysis: Tech diving under the loop of activity clinic
L Kloetzer
Mind, Culture, and Activity 20 (4), 318-337, 2013
Concrete psychology and the Activity Clinic approach: Implications for interventionist research in the XXIst century
L Kloetzer
Cultural-Historical Psychology 16 (2), 42-50, 2020
Analyse de l’homélie de la messe dominicale: langage et conflits de métier dans l’activité des prêtres. La part de Dieu, la part de l’homme
L Kloetzer
Thèse de doctorat en psychologie. Paris: CNAM, 2008
Encourager la réflexion en chirurgie robotique: l’autoconfrontation croisée comme instrument de développement du travail interprétatif dans un environnement technologique complexe
L Seppänen, L Kloetzer, J Riikonen
Psychologie du travail et des organisations 23 (2), 117-136, 2017
Being through Doing: The self-immolation of an asylum seeker in Switzerland
G Womersley, L Kloetzer
Frontiers in psychiatry 9, 110, 2018
Coanalyser l'activité syndicale: un référentiel d'activité entre dilemmes et acquis de l'expérience syndicale
JL Tomás, L Kloetzer, Y Clot
Nouvelle revue de psychosociologie 18 (2), 177-194, 2014
Quand les instruments de métier deviennent objets de discours. Une condition de l’analyse du travail en autoconfrontation croisée?
L Kloetzer, M Henry
Activités 7 (7-2), 2010
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Articles 1–20