Ian W Eisenberg
Ian W Eisenberg
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Large-scale analysis of test–retest reliabilities of self-regulation measures
AZ Enkavi, IW Eisenberg, PG Bissett, GL Mazza, DP MacKinnon, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (12), 5472-5477, 2019
Uncovering Mental Structure Through Data-Driven Ontology Discovery
IW Eisenberg
Stanford University, 2019
Frontal theta overrides Pavlovian learning biases
JF Cavanagh, I Eisenberg, M Guitart-Masip, Q Huys, MJ Frank
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (19), 8541-8548, 2013
The cognitive and perceptual correlates of ideological attitudes: a data-driven approach
L Zmigrod, IW Eisenberg, PG Bissett, TW Robbins, RA Poldrack
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1822), 20200424, 2021
A preliminary study of self-reported food selectivity in adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder
ES Kuschner, IW Eisenberg, B Orionzi, WK Simmons, L Kenworthy, ...
Research in autism spectrum disorders 15, 53-59, 2015
Longitudinal cortical development during adolescence and young adulthood in autism spectrum disorder: increased cortical thinning but comparable surface area changes
GL Wallace, IW Eisenberg, B Robustelli, N Dankner, L Kenworthy, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 54 (6), 464-469, 2015
Applying novel technologies and methods to inform the ontology of self-regulation
IW Eisenberg, PG Bissett, JR Canning, J Dallery, AZ Enkavi, ...
Behaviour research and therapy, 2018
The experiment factory: Standardizing behavioral experiments
VV Sochat, IW Eisenberg, AZ Enkavi, J Li, PG Bissett, RA Poldrack
Frontiers in psychology 7, 610, 2016
Insistence on sameness relates to increased covariance of gray matter structure in autism spectrum disorder
IW Eisenberg, GL Wallace, L Kenworthy, SJ Gotts, A Martin
Molecular autism 6, 1-12, 2015
Introducing v0. 5 of the ai safety benchmark from mlcommons
B Vidgen, A Agrawal, AM Ahmed, V Akinwande, N Al-Nuaimi, N Alfaraj, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.12241, 2024
Relationships among dietary cognitive restraint, food preferences, and reaction times
TD Masterson, J Brand, MR Lowe, SA Metcalf, IW Eisenberg, JA Emond, ...
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2256, 2019
Correlation database of 60 cross-disciplinary surveys and cognitive tasks assessing self-regulation
GL Mazza, HL Smyth, PG Bissett, JR Canning, IW Eisenberg, AZ Enkavi, ...
Journal of Personality Assessment 103 (2), 238-245, 2021
Neural correlates of temporal credit assignment in the parietal lobe
TM Gersch, NC Foley, I Eisenberg, J Gottlieb
PLoS One 9 (2), e88725, 2014
Reply to Friedman and Banich: Right measures for the research question
AZ Enkavi, IW Eisenberg, PG Bissett, GL Mazza, DP MacKinnon, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (49), 24398-24399, 2019
AI Risk Profiles: A Standards Proposal for Pre-deployment AI Risk Disclosures
E Sherman, I Eisenberg
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (21), 23047 …, 2024
A data-driven analysis of the cognitive and perceptual attributes of ideological attitudes
L Zmigrod, I Eisenberg, P Bissett, TW Robbins, R Poldrack
PsyArXiv, 2020
Computational specificity in the human brain
JM Shine, I Eisenberg, RA Poldrack
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39, e131, 2016
Cognitive tasks, anatomical MRI, and functional MRI data evaluating the construct of self-regulation
PG Bissett, IW Eisenberg, S Shim, JAH Rios, HM Jones, MKP Hagen, ...
Scientific Data 11 (1), 809, 2024
Uncovering mental and neural structure through data-driven ontology discovery
IW Eisenberg, PG Bissett, AZ Enkavi, J Li, D MacKinnon, L Marsch, ...
Individual Brain Charting dataset extension, fourth release of high-resolution fMRI data for cognitive mapping
JJ Torre, AL Pinho, S Shankar, A Amadon, M Saignavongs, ...
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Articles 1–20