Massimiliano Rosso, PhD
Massimiliano Rosso, PhD
Senior Researcher @ CIMA Research Foundation
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Cited by
UAV remote sensing applications in marine monitoring: Knowledge visualization and review
Z Yang, X Yu, S Dedman, M Rosso, J Zhu, J Yang, Y Xia, Y Tian, G Zhang, ...
Science of The Total Environment 838, 155939, 2022
Distribution, abundance, and movements of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the Pelagos Sanctuary MPA (north‐west Mediterranean Sea)
G Gnone, M Bellingeri, F Dhermain, F Dupraz, S Nuti, D Bedocchi, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21 (4), 372-388, 2011
Can we quantify the aquatic environmental plastic load from aquaculture?
Y Tian, Z Yang, X Yu, Z Jia, M Rosso, S Dedman, J Zhu, Y Xia, G Zhang, ...
Water Research 219, 118551, 2022
Habitat preferences of two deep-diving cetacean species in the northern Ligurian Sea
P Tepsich, M Rosso, PN Halpin, A Moulins
Marine Ecology Progress Series 508, 247-260, 2014
Description of the vessel traffic within the north Pelagos Sanctuary: Inputs for Marine Spatial Planning and management implications within an existing international Marine …
FG Coomber, M D’Incā, M Rosso, P Tepsich, GN di Sciara, A Moulins
Marine Policy 69, 102-113, 2016
Cetacean occurrence and spatial distribution: Habitat modelling for offshore waters in the Portuguese EEZ (NE Atlantic)
AM Correia, P Tepsich, M Rosso, R Caldeira, I Sousa-Pinto
Journal of Marine Systems 143, 73-85, 2015
Aspects of the distribution of Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) in relation to topographic features in the Pelagos Sanctuary (north-western Mediterranean Sea)
A Moulins, M Rosso, B Nani, M Würtz
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87 (1 …, 2007
Cetacean response to summer maritime traffic in the Western Mediterranean Sea
I Campana, R Crosti, D Angeletti, L Carosso, L David, N Di-Méglio, ...
Marine Environmental Research 109, 1-8, 2015
Partitioning of the Pelagos Sanctuary (north-western Mediterranean Sea) into hotspots and coldspots of cetacean distributions
A Moulins, M Rosso, M Ballardini, M Wurtz
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88 (6 …, 0
Cuvier's beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris, distribution and occurrence in the Mediterranean Sea: high-use areas and conservation threats
M Podestā, A Azzellino, A Caņadas, A Frantzis, A Moulins, M Rosso, ...
Advances in marine biology 75, 103-140, 2016
The challenge of habitat modelling for threatened low density species using heterogeneous data: The case of Cuvier’s beaked whales in the Mediterranean
A Caņadas, NA De Soto, M Aissi, A Arcangeli, M Azzolin, A B-Nagy, ...
Ecological Indicators 85, 128-136, 2018
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to sample the blow microbiome of small cetaceans
C Centelleghe, L Carraro, J Gonzalvo, M Rosso, E Esposti, C Gili, ...
PLoS One 15 (7), e0235537, 2020
Speciation in the deep: genomics and morphology reveal a new species of beaked whale Mesoplodon eueu
EL Carroll, MR McGowen, ML McCarthy, FG Marx, N Aguilar, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1961), 20211213, 2021
Social organization and distribution patterns inform conservation management of a threatened Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin population
X Wang, F Wu, ST Turvey, M Rosso, C Tao, X Ding, Q Zhu
Journal of Mammalogy 96 (5), 964-971, 2015
Natural markings of Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris in the Mediterranean Sea
M Rosso, M Ballardini, A Moulins, M Würtz
African Journal of Marine Science 33 (1), 45-57, 2011
Seasonal group characteristics and occurrence patterns of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in Xiamen Bay, Fujian Province, China
X Wang, F Wu, ST Turvey, M Rosso, Q Zhu
Journal of Mammalogy 97 (4), 1026-1032, 2016
An assessment of the natural marking patterns used for photo-identification of common minke whales and white-beaked dolphins in Icelandic waters
C Bertulli, M Rasmussen, M Rosso
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 96 (special issue 04 …, 2016
Risso's dolphin, Grampus griseus, in the western Ligurian Sea: trends in population size and habitat use
A Azzellino, S Airoldi, S Gaspari, C Lanfredi, A Moulins, M Podestā, ...
Advances in marine biology 75, 205-232, 2016
A pioneering survey of deep‐diving and off‐shore cetaceans in the northern South China Sea
M Lin, M Liu, F Caruso, M Rosso, X Tang, L Dong, W Lin, A Borroni, ...
Integrative Zoology 16 (4), 440-450, 2021
Cetaceans under threat in south China Sea
S Li, M Lin, F Caruso, L Dong, W Lin, M Rosso, A Bocconcelli
Science 368 (6495), 1074-1075, 2020
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Articles 1–20