Craig Chambers
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Cited by
Achieving incremental semantic interpretation through contextual representation
JC Sedivy, MK Tanenhaus, CG Chambers, GN Carlson
Cognition 71 (2), 109-147, 1999
Accent and reference resolution in spoken-language comprehension
D Dahan, MK Tanenhaus, CG Chambers
Journal of Memory and Language 47 (2), 292-314, 2002
Actions and affordances in syntactic ambiguity resolution.
CG Chambers, MK Tanenhaus, JS Magnuson
Journal of experimental psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 30 (3), 687, 2004
Eye movements and lexical access in spoken-language comprehension: Evaluating a linking hypothesis between fixations and linguistic processing
MK Tanenhaus, JS Magnuson, D Dahan, C Chambers
Journal of psycholinguistic research 29 (6), 557-580, 2000
Circumscribing referential domains during real-time language comprehension
CG Chambers, MK Tanenhaus, KM Eberhard, H Filip, GN Carlson
Journal of memory and language 47 (1), 30-49, 2002
Structural parallelism and discourse coherence: A test of centering theory
CG Chambers, R Smyth
Journal of Memory and Language 39 (4), 593-608, 1998
Lexical competition during second-language listening: Sentence context, but not proficiency, constrains interference from the native lexicon.
CG Chambers, H Cooke
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 35 (4), 1029, 2009
Effects of aging and noise on real-time spoken word recognition: Evidence from eye movements
BM Ben-David, CG Chambers, M Daneman, MK Pichora-Fuller, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2011
Preschoolers’ appreciation of speaker vocal affect as a cue to referential intent
JMJ Berman, CG Chambers, SA Graham
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 107 (2), 87-99, 2010
When hearsay trumps evidence: How generic language guides preschoolers’ inferences about unfamiliar things
CG Chambers, SA Graham, JN Turner
Language and Cognitive Processes 23 (5), 749-766, 2008
Preschoolers’ sensitivity to referential ambiguity: Evidence for a dissociation between implicit understanding and explicit behavior
ES Nilsen, SA Graham, S Smith, CG Chambers
Developmental Science 11 (4), 556-562, 2008
Perception and presupposition in real-time language comprehension: Insights from anticipatory processing
CG Chambers, V San Juan
Cognition 108 (1), 26-50, 2008
Referential domains in spoken language comprehension: Using eye movements to bridge the product and action traditions
MK Tanenhaus, CG Chambers, JE Hanna
The Interface of Language, Vision, and Action, 279-318, 2013
An fMRI investigation of strategies for word recognition
JD Edwards, PM Pexman, BG Goodyear, CG Chambers
Cognitive Brain Research 24 (3), 648-662, 2005
Preschoolers use emotion in speech to learn new words
JMJ Berman, SA Graham, D Callaway, CG Chambers
Child development 84 (5), 1791-1805, 2013
The role of executive control in post-stroke aphasia treatment
T Simic, T Bitan, G Turner, C Chambers, D Goldberg, C Leonard, ...
Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 2019
Preschoolers’ real-time coordination of vocal and facial emotional information
JMJ Berman, CG Chambers, SA Graham
Journal of experimental child psychology 142, 391-399, 2016
Privileged versus shared knowledge about object identity in real-time referential processing
M Mozuraitis, CG Chambers, M Daneman
Cognition 142, 148-165, 2015
Appearances aren't everything: Shape classifiers and referential processing in Cantonese.
C Tsang, CG Chambers
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37 (5), 1065, 2011
Generic language and speaker confidence guide preschoolers’ inferences about novel animate kinds.
HR Stock, SA Graham, CG Chambers
Developmental Psychology 45 (3), 884, 2009
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Articles 1–20