Christopher Nielsen
Christopher Nielsen
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
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Cited by
Path following using transverse feedback linearization: Application to a maglev positioning system
C Nielsen, C Fulford, M Maggiore
Automatica 46 (3), 585-590, 2010
Path following for the PVTOL aircraft
L Consolini, M Maggiore, C Nielsen, M Tosques
Automatica 46 (8), 1284-1296, 2010
On local transverse feedback linearization
C Nielsen, M Maggiore
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 47 (5), 2227-2250, 2008
Path following using dynamic transverse feedback linearization for car-like robots
A Akhtar, C Nielsen, SL Waslander
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 31 (2), 269-279, 2015
Path following for a class of mechanical systems
A Hladio, C Nielsen, D Wang
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 21 (6), 2380-2390, 2012
Output stabilization and maneuver regulation: A geometric approach
C Nielsen, M Maggiore
Systems & control letters 55 (5), 418-427, 2006
Path following for a quadrotor using dynamic extension and transverse feedback linearization
A Akhtar, SL Waslander, C Nielsen
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3551-3556, 2012
Spline path following for redundant mechanical systems
RJ Gill, D Kulić, C Nielsen
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 31 (6), 1378-1392, 2015
Maneuver regulation via transverse feedback linearization: Theory and examples
C Nielsen, M Maggiore
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37 (13), 57-64, 2004
Fault tolerant path following for a quadrotor
A Akhtar, SL Waslander, C Nielsen
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 847-852, 2013
Strive: exploring assistive haptic feedback on the run
FM Valsted, CVH Nielsen, JQ Jensen, T Sonne, MM Jensen
Proceedings of the 29th Australian conference on computer-human interaction …, 2017
GAN Data Augmentation Through Active Learning Inspired Sample Acquisition.
C Nielsen, MM Okoniewski
CVPR Workshops, 109-112, 2019
Mitigation of cyber-physical attacks in multi-area automatic generation control
S Alhalali, C Nielsen, R El–Shatshat
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 112, 362-369, 2019
Identification of RR Lyrae stars in multiband, sparsely sampled data from the Dark Energy Survey using template fitting and random forest classification
KM Stringer, JP Long, LM Macri, JL Marshall, A Drlica-Wagner, ...
The Astronomical Journal 158 (1), 16, 2019
Coordinated path following for unicycles: A nested invariant sets approach
A Doosthoseini, C Nielsen
Automatica 60, 17-29, 2015
Set stabilization using transverse feedback linearization
C Nielsen
University of Toronto, 2009
Path following for a car-like robot using transverse feedback linearization and tangential dynamic extension
A Akhtar, C Nielsen
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Path following for the pvtol: A set stabilization approach
C Nielsen, L Consolini, M Maggiore, M Tosques
2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 584-589, 2008
Method of tracking one or more mobile objects in a site and a system employing same
JS Nielsen, CS Nielsen, Z He
US Patent App. 15/656,428, 2018
Path following controller design for a class of mechanical systems
A Hladio, C Nielsen, D Wang
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 10331-10336, 2011
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Articles 1–20