James F. Bell III (Jim)
James F. Bell III (Jim)
Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
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Cited by
Context camera investigation on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
MC Malin, JF Bell III, BA Cantor, MA Caplinger, WM Calvin, RT Clancy, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 112 (E5), 2007
In situ evidence for an ancient aqueous environment at Meridiani Planum, Mars
SW Squyres, JP Grotzinger, RE Arvidson, JF Bell III, W Calvin, ...
science 306 (5702), 1709-1714, 2004
A habitable fluvio-lacustrine environment at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
JP Grotzinger, DY Sumner, LC Kah, K Stack, S Gupta, L Edgar, D Rubin, ...
Science 343 (6169), 1242777, 2014
Mars’ surface radiation environment measured with the Mars Science Laboratory’s Curiosity rover
DM Hassler, C Zeitlin, RF Wimmer-Schweingruber, B Ehresmann, ...
science 343 (6169), 1244797, 2014
Mineralogy of a mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale crater, Mars
DT Vaniman, DL Bish, DW Ming, TF Bristow, RV Morris, DF Blake, ...
science 343 (6169), 1243480, 2014
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of a dry to wet eolian depositional system, Burns formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars
JP Grotzinger, RE Arvidson, JF Bell Iii, W Calvin, BC Clark, DA Fike, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240 (1), 11-72, 2005
The ChemCam instrument suite on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover: Body unit and combined system tests
RC Wiens, S Maurice, B Barraclough, M Saccoccio, WC Barkley, JF Bell, ...
Space science reviews 170, 167-227, 2012
The opportunity rover's Athena science investigation at Meridiani Planum, Mars
SW Squyres, RE Arvidson, JF Bell Iii, J Bruckner, NA Cabrol, W Calvin, ...
science 306 (5702), 1698-1703, 2004
Provenance and diagenesis of the evaporite-bearing Burns formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars
SM McLennan, JF Bell Iii, WM Calvin, PR Christensen, BC Clark, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240 (1), 95-121, 2005
Volatile, isotope, and organic analysis of martian fines with the Mars Curiosity rover
LA Leshin, PR Mahaffy, CR Webster, M Cabane, P Coll, PG Conrad, ...
Science 341 (6153), 1238937, 2013
Detection of silica-rich deposits on Mars
SW Squyres, RE Arvidson, S Ruff, R Gellert, RV Morris, DW Ming, ...
Science 320 (5879), 1063-1067, 2008
The Spirit rover's Athena science investigation at Gusev crater, Mars
SW Squyres, RE Arvidson, JF Bell III, J Bruckner, NA Cabrol, W Calvin, ...
science 305 (5685), 794-799, 2004
Volatile and organic compositions of sedimentary rocks in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
DW Ming, PD Archer Jr, DP Glavin, JL Eigenbrode, HB Franz, B Sutter, ...
science 343 (6169), 1245267, 2014
Abundance and isotopic composition of gases in the Martian atmosphere from the Curiosity rover
PR Mahaffy, CR Webster, SK Atreya, H Franz, M Wong, PG Conrad, ...
Science 341 (6143), 263-266, 2013
Chemistry and mineralogy of outcrops at Meridiani Planum
BC Clark, RV Morris, SM McLennan, R Gellert, B Jolliff, AH Knoll, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240 (1), 73-94, 2005
Morphology and composition of the surface of Mars: Mars Odyssey THEMIS results
PR Christensen, JL Bandfield, JF Bell III, N Gorelick, VE Hamilton, ...
science 300 (5628), 2056-2061, 2003
Martian fluvial conglomerates at Gale crater
RME Williams, JP Grotzinger, WE Dietrich, S Gupta, DY Sumner, ...
science 340 (6136), 1068-1072, 2013
An integrated view of the chemistry and mineralogy of Martian soils
AS Yen, R Gellert, C Schröder, RV Morris, JF Bell III, AT Knudson, ...
Nature 436 (7047), 49-54, 2005
Detection and discrimination of sulfate minerals using reflectance spectroscopy
EA Cloutis, FC Hawthorne, SA Mertzman, K Krenn, MA Craig, D Marcino, ...
Icarus 184 (1), 121-157, 2006
Mineralogic and compositional properties of Martian soil and dust: Results from Mars Pathfinder
JF Bell III, HY McSween Jr, JA Crisp, RV Morris, SL Murchie, NT Bridges, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 105 (E1), 1721-1755, 2000
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Articles 1–20