Lora Giangregorio
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Cited by
A tutorial on pilot studies: the what, why and how
L Thabane, J Ma, R Chu, J Cheng, A Ismaila, LP Rios, R Robson, ...
BMC medical research methodology 10, 1-10, 2010
A tutorial on sensitivity analyses in clinical trials: the what, why, when and how
L Thabane, L Mbuagbaw, S Zhang, Z Samaan, M Marcucci, C Ye, ...
BMC medical research methodology 13, 1-12, 2013
Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines for adults aged 18–64 years and adults aged 65 years or older: an integration of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep
R Ross, JP Chaput, LM Giangregorio, I Janssen, TJ Saunders, ME Kho, ...
Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism 45 (10), S57-S102, 2020
Acceptance of commercially available wearable activity trackers among adults aged over 50 and with chronic illness: a mixed-methods evaluation
K Mercer, L Giangregorio, E Schneider, P Chilana, M Li, K Grindrod
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 4 (1), e4225, 2016
FRAX underestimates fracture risk in patients with diabetes
LM Giangregorio, WD Leslie, LM Lix, H Johansson, A Oden, E McCloskey, ...
Journal of bone and mineral research 27 (2), 301-308, 2012
Bone loss and muscle atrophy in spinal cord injury: epidemiology, fracture prediction, and rehabilitation strategies
L Giangregorio, N McCartney
The journal of spinal cord medicine 29 (5), 489-500, 2006
Fragility fractures and the osteoporosis care gap: an international phenomenon
L Giangregorio, A Papaioannou, A Cranney, N Zytaruk, JD Adachi
Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism 35 (5), 293-305, 2006
Sedentary behaviour and health in adults: an overview of systematic reviews
TJ Saunders, T McIsaac, K Douillette, N Gaulton, S Hunter, RE Rhodes, ...
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 45 (10), S197-S217, 2020
Behavior change techniques present in wearable activity trackers: a critical analysis
K Mercer, M Li, L Giangregorio, C Burns, K Grindrod
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 4 (2), e4461, 2016
Sleep timing, sleep consistency, and health in adults: a systematic review
JP Chaput, C Dutil, R Featherstone, R Ross, L Giangregorio, TJ Saunders, ...
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 45 (10), S232-S247, 2020
Long-term body-weight-supported treadmill training and subsequent follow-up in persons with chronic SCI: effects on functional walking ability and measures of subjective well-being
AL Hicks, MM Adams, K Martin Ginis, L Giangregorio, A Latimer, ...
Spinal cord 43 (5), 291-298, 2005
Too fit to fracture: exercise recommendations for individuals with osteoporosis or osteoporotic vertebral fracture
LM Giangregorio, A Papaioannou, NJ Macintyre, MC Ashe, A Heinonen, ...
Osteoporosis international 25, 821-835, 2014
Sleep duration and health in adults: an overview of systematic reviews
JP Chaput, C Dutil, R Featherstone, R Ross, L Giangregorio, TJ Saunders, ...
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 45 (10), S218-S231, 2020
A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies using the STRATIFY tool for prediction of falls in hospital patients: how well does it work?
D Oliver, A Papaioannou, L Giangregorio, L Thabane, K Reizgys, ...
Age and ageing 37 (6), 621-627, 2008
Exercise for improving outcomes after osteoporotic vertebral fracture
JC Gibbs, NJ MacIntyre, M Ponzano, JA Templeton, L Thabane, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019
Whole-body vibration as potential intervention for people with low bone mineral density and osteoporosis: a review.
JOT De Zepetnek, LM Giangregorio, BC Craven
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 46 (4), 2009
Skeletal adaptations to alterations in weight-bearing activity: a comparison of models of disuse osteoporosis
L Giangregorio, CJR Blimkie
Sports medicine 32, 459-476, 2002
A systematic review of compositional data analysis studies examining associations between sleep, sedentary behaviour, and physical activity with health outcomes in adults
I Janssen, AE Clarke, V Carson, JP Chaput, LM Giangregorio, ME Kho, ...
Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism 45 (10), S248-S257, 2020
Exercise for improving age-related hyperkyphotic posture: a systematic review
S Bansal, WB Katzman, LM Giangregorio
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 95 (1), 129-140, 2014
Body weight supported treadmill training in acute spinal cord injury: impact on muscle and bone
LM Giangregorio, AL Hicks, CE Webber, SM Phillips, BC Craven, ...
Spinal cord 43 (11), 649-657, 2005
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Articles 1–20