Abdelhak-Djamel seriai
Abdelhak-Djamel seriai
Associate Professor, HDR, University of Montpellier, France
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Feature location in a collection of software product variants using formal concept analysis
RF AL-Msie’deen, A Seriai, M Huchard, C Urtado, S Vauttier, HE Salman
International Conference on Software Reuse, 302-307, 2013
Reverse engineering reusable software components from object-oriented APIs
A Shatnawi, AD Seriai, H Sahraoui, Z Alshara
Journal of Systems and Software 131, 442-460, 2017
From monolithic architecture style to microservice one based on a semi-automatic approach
A Selmadji, AD Seriai, HL Bouziane, RO Mahamane, P Zaragoza, C Dony
2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 157-168, 2020
Feature-to-code traceability in a collection of software variants: Combining formal concept analysis and information retrieval
H Eyal-Salman, AD Seriai, C Dony
2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration …, 2013
Recovering software product line architecture of a family of object-oriented product variants
A Shatnawi, AD Seriai, H Sahraoui
Journal of Systems and Software 131, 325-346, 2017
Quality-centric approach for software component identification from object-oriented code
S Kebir, AD Seriai, S Chardigny, A Chaoui
2012 Joint working IEEE/IFIP conference on software architecture and …, 2012
Mining features from the object-oriented source code of software variants by combining lexical and structural similarity
AD Seriai, M Huchard, C Urtado, S Vauttier
2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration …, 2013
Extraction of component-based architecture from object-oriented systems
S Chardigny, A Seriai, M Oussalah, D Tamzalit
Seventh working IEEE/IFIP conference on software architecture (WICSA 2008 …, 2008
Mining features from the object-oriented source code of a collection of software variants using formal concept analysis and latent semantic indexing
AD Seriai, M Huchard, C Urtado, S Vauttier, H Eyal-Salman
SEKE: Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2013
Recovering architectural variability of a family of product variants
A Shatnawi, A Seriai, H Sahraoui
Software Reuse for Dynamic Systems in the Cloud and Beyond: 14th …, 2014
Feature location in a collection of product variants: Combining information retrieval and hierarchical clustering
H Eyal-Salman, AD Seriai, C Dony
SEKE: Software Engineering and knowledge engineering, Vancouver, 426-430, 2014
Re-architecting OO software into microservices: A quality-centred approach
A Selmadji, AD Seriai, HL Bouziane, C Dony, RO Mahamane
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: 7th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference …, 2018
Service identification based on quality metrics
S Adjoyan, AD Seriai, A Shatnawi
Proceedings of the 26 International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2014
Reverse engineering feature models from software configurations using formal concept analysis
M Huchard, AD Seriai, C Urtado, S Vauttier
CLA: Concept Lattices and their Applications 1252, 95-106, 2014
Identifying software components from object-oriented APIs based on dynamic analysis
A Shatnawi, H Shatnawi, MA Saied, ZA Shara, H Sahraoui, A Seriai
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Program Comprehension, 189-199, 2018
Evolution shelf: reusing evolution expertise within component-based software architectures
O Le Goaer, D Tamzalit, M Oussalah, AD Seriai
2008 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications …, 2008
Semantic clustering of functional requirements using agglomerative hierarchical clustering
H Eyal Salman, M Hammad, AD Seriai, A Al-Sbou
Information 9 (9), 222, 2018
Automatic documentation of [mined] feature implementations from source code elements and use-case diagrams with the REVPLINE approach
R Al-Msie'deen, M Huchard, AD Seriai, C Urtado, S Vauttier
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 24 …, 2014
Migrating large object-oriented applications into component-based ones: Instantiation and inheritance transformation
Z Alshara, AD Seriai, C Tibermacine, HL Bouziane, C Dony, A Shatnawi
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative …, 2015
Documenting the mined feature implementations from the object-oriented source code of a collection of software product variants
AD Seriai, M Huchard, C Urtado, S Vauttier
SEKE: Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 138-143, 2014
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Articles 1–20