Dale Duhan
Dale Duhan
Professor of Marketing Texas Tech University and Buskerud University College
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Influences on consumer use of word-of-mouth recommendation sources
DF Duhan, SD Johnson, JB Wilcox, GD Harrell
Journal of the academy of marketing science 25, 283-295, 1997
Differential effects of experience, subjective knowledge, and objective knowledge on sources of information used in consumer wine purchasing
TH Dodd, DA Laverie, JF Wilcox, DF Duhan
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 29 (1), 3-19, 2005
Supervisor communication practices and service employee job outcomes
MC Johlke, DF Duhan
Journal of Service Research 3 (2), 154-165, 2000
Gray markets and the legal status of parallel importation
DF Duhan, MJ Sheffet
Journal of Marketing 52 (3), 75-83, 1988
Point-of-purchase displays, product organization, and brand purchase likelihoods
CS Areni, DF Duhan, P Kiecker
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 27, 428-441, 1999
An integrated model of sales managers’ communication practices
MC Johlke, DF Duhan, RD Howell, RW Wilkes
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 28 (2), 263-277, 2000
Innovativeness and profitability: An empirical investigation in the Norwegian hotel industry
IL Sandvik, DF Duhan, K Sandvik
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 55 (2), 165-185, 2014
Competition in the third millennium: efficiency or effectiveness?
SD Hunt, DF Duhan
Journal of Business Research 55 (2), 97-102, 2002
The perceived veracity of PIMS strategy principles in Japan: An empirical inquiry
M Kotabe, DF Duhan, DK Smith Jr, RD Wilson
Journal of Marketing 55 (1), 26-41, 1991
Testing competing models of sales force communication
MC Johlke, DF Duhan
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 21 (4), 265-277, 2001
Supervisor communication practices and boundary spanner role ambiguity
MC Johlke, DF Duhan
Journal of Managerial Issues, 87-101, 2001
“Leveraged” decision making in advertising: The flat maximum principle and its implications
DS Tull, R Van Wood, D Duhan, T Gillpatrick, KR Robertson, JG Helgeson
Journal of marketing Research 23 (1), 25-32, 1986
Consumer attitudes towards local wines in an emerging region: a segmentation approach
N Kolyesnikova, TH Dodd, DF Duhan
International Journal of Wine Business Research 20 (4), 321-334, 2008
Prenotification and industrial survey responses
DF Duhan, RD Wilson
Industrial Marketing Management 19 (2), 95-105, 1990
Strategy clusters in japanese markets: firm performance implications
M Kotabe, DF Duhan
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 21 (1), 21-31, 1993
Measurement instrument development using two competing concepts of customer satisfaction
AR Cooper, MB Cooper, DF Duhan
Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and complaining behavior 2 …, 1989
Facets of brand equity and brand survival: a longitudinal examination
JB Wilcox, DA Laverie, N Kolyesnikova, DF Duhan, TH Dodd
International Journal of Wine Business Research 20 (3), 202-214, 2008
Outcomes of advertiser–agency relationships: The form and the role of cooperation
DF Duhan, K Sandvik
International Journal of Advertising 28 (5), 881-919, 2009
Origin information and retail sales of wine
DF Duhan, PL Kiecker, CS Areni, C Guerrero
International Journal of Wine Marketing 11 (3), 44-57, 1999
The preservation of loyalty halo effects: An investigation of the post-product-recall behavior of loyal customers
KAK Byun, DF Duhan, M Dass
Journal of Business Research 116, 163-175, 2020
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