Diane MacKenzie
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Cited by
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) and chronic cognitive impairment: A scoping review
K McInnes, CL Friesen, DE MacKenzie, DA Westwood, SG Boe
PloS one 12 (4), e0174847, 2017
Wheelchair skills training program for clinicians: a randomized controlled trial with occupational therapy students
AL Coolen, RL Kirby, J Landry, AH MacPhee, D Dupuis, C Smith, KL Best, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 85 (7), 1160-1167, 2004
Complex trauma in children and youth: A scoping review of sensory-based interventions
K Fraser, D MacKenzie, J Versnel
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health 33 (3), 199-216, 2017
What is the current state of occupational therapy practice with children and adolescents with complex trauma?
K Fraser, D MacKenzie, J Versnel
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health 35 (4), 317-338, 2019
Examining the use of constraint-induced movement therapy in canadian neurological occupational and physical therapy
A Fleet, M Che, M MacKay-Lyons, D MacKenzie, S Page, G Eskes, ...
Physiotherapy Canada 66 (1), 60-71, 2014
Best practice interprofessional stroke care collaboration and simulation: The student perspective
D MacKenzie, G Creaser, K Sponagle, G Gubitz, P MacDougall, ...
Journal of interprofessional care 31 (6), 793-796, 2017
The wheelchair skills program manual
RL Kirby, C Smith, K Parker, M McAllister, J Boyce, PW Rushton, ...
Access mode: https://wheelchairskillsprogram. ca (Date of access: 02.08. 2018.), 2016
Wheelchair skills program manual version 5.0
RL Kirby, PW Rushton, C Smith, F Routhier, KL Best, J Boyce, R Cowan, ...
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: In. Published electronically at Dalhousie …, 2020
Allen Cognitive Level Screen for the classification of subjects treated for addiction
G Rojo-Mota, EJ Pedrero-Pérez, E Huertas-Hoyas, B Merritt, ...
Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy 24 (4), 290-298, 2017
Collaboration behind-the-scenes: key to effective interprofessional education
DE MacKenzie, S Doucet, S Nasser, AL Godden-Webster, C Andrews, ...
Journal of Interprofessional Care 28 (4), 381-383, 2014
Occupational therapy interventions for restricted and repetitive behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder
M Patriquin, D MacKenzie, J Versnel
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health 36 (1), 85-104, 2020
The everyday experience of living with and managing a neurological condition (the LINC study): study design
J Versnel, T Packer, LE Weeks, J Brown, M Godwin, S Hutchinson, ...
BMC neurology 13, 1-11, 2013
Occupational therapists and observation: What are you looking at?
DE MacKenzie, DA Westwood
OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health 33 (1), 4-11, 2013
Havana syndrome among Canadian diplomats: brain imaging reveals acquired neurotoxicity
A Friedman, C Calkin, A Adams, GA Suarez, T Bardouille, N Hacohen, ...
MedRxiv, 19007096, 2019
Making space: Integrating meaningful interprofessional experiences into an existing curriculum
D MacKenzie, BK Merritt
Journal of Interprofessional Care 27 (3), 274-276, 2013
The Wheelchair Skills Program Manual. Published electronically at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
RL Kirby, C Smith, K Parker, M McAllister, J Boyce, PW Rushton, ...
Co-constructing simulations with learners: roles, responsibilities, and impact
DE MacKenzie, KE Collins, MJ Guimond, AC Hunter, KJ Jurcina, ...
The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy 6 (1), 13, 2018
Choosing a career: A study of motivational factors and demographics that influence P-12 pre-service teachers
D MacKenzie
University of Louisville, 2013
The impact of person–environment–occupation transactions on joint attention in children with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review
D Ambrose, DE MacKenzie, P Ghanouni
British Journal of Occupational Therapy 83 (6), 350-362, 2020
Curricular factors that unintentionally affect learning in a community-based interprofessional education program: The student perspective
SA Doucet, D MacKenzie, E Loney, A Godden-Webster, H Lauckner, ...
Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education 4 (2), 2014
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Articles 1–20