Christopher Perlman
Cited by
Cited by
The aggressive behavior scale: a new scale to measure aggression based on the minimum data set
CM Perlman, JP Hirdes
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 56 (12), 2298-2303, 2008
Food insecurity and mental health among females in high-income countries
M Maynard, L Andrade, S Packull-McCormick, CM Perlman, C Leos-Toro, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (7), 1424, 2018
READMIT: a clinical risk index to predict 30-day readmission after discharge from acute psychiatric units
SN Vigod, PA Kurdyak, D Seitz, N Herrmann, K Fung, E Lin, C Perlman, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 61, 205-213, 2015
The interRAI suite of mental health assessment instruments: an integrated system for the continuum of care
JP Hirdes, C Van Everdingen, J Ferris, M Franco-Martin, BE Fries, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 10, 926, 2020
Screening cognitive performance with the resident assessment instrument for mental health cognitive performance scale
K Jones, CM Perlman, JP Hirdes, T Scott
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 55 (11), 736-740, 2010
Experiences of food insecurity among undergraduate students:“You can’t starve yourself through school”
MS Maynard, SB Meyer, CM Perlman, SI Kirkpatrick
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 48 (2), 130-148, 2018
Suicide risk assessment inventory: A resource guide for Canadian health care organizations
CM Perlman, E Neufeld, L Martin, M Goy, JP Hirdes
Toronto, ON: Ontario Hospital Association and Canadian Patient Safety …, 2011
Development of mental health quality indicators (MHQIs) for inpatient psychiatry based on the interRAI mental health assessment
CM Perlman, JP Hirdes, H Barbaree, BE Fries, I McKillop, JN Morris, ...
BMC Health Services Research 13, 1-12, 2013
interRAI child and youth mental health (ChYMH) assessment form and user’s manual
SL Stewart, JP Hirdes, N Curtin-Telegdi, C Perlman, K MacLeod, A Ninan, ...
Washington, DC: interRAI, 2015
Updating the cognitive performance scale
JN Morris, EP Howard, K Steel, C Perlman, BE Fries, V Garms-Homolova, ...
Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 29 (1), 47-55, 2016
Prevalence and predictors of sexual dysfunction in psychiatric inpatients
CM Perlman, L Martin, JP Hirdes, N Curtin-Telegdi, E Pérez, T Rabinowitz
Psychosomatics 48 (4), 309-318, 2007
Premature termination of treatment in an inpatient eating disorder programme
PC Masson, CM Perlman, SA Ross, AL Gates
European Eating Disorders Review: The Professional Journal of the Eating …, 2007
Child mental illness and mental health service use: Role of family functioning (family functioning and child mental health)
II Oltean, C Perlman, S Meyer, MA Ferro
Journal of Child and Family Studies 29, 2602-2613, 2020
interRAI child and youth mental health (ChYMH) assessment form and user’s manual: For use with in-patient and community-based assessments
S Stewart, J Hirdes, N Curtin-Telegdi, CM Perlman, M McKnight, ...
interRAI; Washington DC, 2015
Food insecurity and perceived anxiety among adolescents: an analysis of data from the 2009–2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
MS Maynard, CM Perlman, SI Kirkpatrick
Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 2019
Cannabis and mental health: Prevalence of use and modes of cannabis administration by mental health status
J Rup, TP Freeman, C Perlman, D Hammond
Addictive behaviors 121, 106991, 2021
Predicting inpatient aggression using the InterRAI risk of harm to others clinical assessment protocol: a tool for risk assessment and care planning
E Neufeld, CM Perlman, JP Hirdes
The journal of behavioral health services & research 39, 472-480, 2012
Risk and protective factors associated with intentional self‐harm among older community‐residing home care clients in Ontario, Canada
E Neufeld, JP Hirdes, CM Perlman, T Rabinowitz
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 30 (10), 1032-1040, 2015
Antipsychotics and dementia in Canada: a retrospective cross-sectional study of four health sectors
S Rios, CM Perlman, A Costa, G Heckman, JP Hirdes, L Mitchell
BMC geriatrics 17, 1-8, 2017
InterRAI mental health clinical assessment protocols (CAPs) for use with community and hospital-based mental health assessment instruments. Version 9.1
J Hirdes, N Curtin-Telegdi, K Mathias, CM Perlman, T Saarela, ...
interRAI; Washington DC, 2011
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Articles 1–20