Jean-Pascal Bilodeau
Jean-Pascal Bilodeau
Research Engineer, Laval University
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Gradation influence on frost susceptibility of base granular materials
JP Bilodeau, G Dore, P Pierre
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 9 (6), 397-411, 2008
Water sensitivity of resilient modulus of compacted unbound granular materials used as pavement base
JP Bilodeau, G Doré
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 13 (5), 459-471, 2012
Effect of seasonal frost conditions on the permanent strain behaviour of compacted unbound granular materials used as base course
JP Bilodeau, G Doré, C Schwarz
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 12 (5), 507-518, 2011
Assessment of the relationship between the international roughness index and dynamic loading of heavy vehicles
JP Bilodeau, L Gagnon, G Doré
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 18 (8), 693-701, 2017
Albedo of pavement surfacing materials: in situ measurements
C Richard, G Dore, C Lemieux, JP Bilodeau, J Haure-Touze
Cold Regions Engineering 2015, 181-192, 2015
Relating resilient behaviour of compacted unbound base granular materials to matrix and interlock characteristics
JP Bilodeau, G Doré
Construction and Building Materials 37, 220-228, 2012
Optimisation de la granulométrie des matériaux granulaires de fondation des chaussées
JP Bilodeau, G Dore, P Pierre
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 37 (10), 1350-1362, 2010
Estimation of resilient modulus of unbound granular materials used as pavement base: combined effect of grain-size distribution and aggregate source frictional properties
JP Bilodeau, CO Plamondon, G Doré
Materials and Structures 49, 4363-4373, 2016
Use of falling weight deflectometer time history data for the analysis of seasonal variation in pavement response
K Deblois, JP Bilodeau, G Dore
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 37 (9), 1224-1231, 2010
Comparative study on the impact of wide base tires and dual tires on the strains occurring within flexible pavements asphalt concrete surface course
D Grellet, G Doré, JP Bilodeau
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 39 (5), 526-535, 2012
Effect of frost heave on long-term roughness deterioration of flexible pavement structures
O Sylvestre, JP Bilodeau, G Doré
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 20 (6), 704-713, 2019
Resilient modulus of pavement unbound granular materials containing recycled glass aggregate
S Mohsenian Hadad Amlashi, M Vaillancourt, A Carter, JP Bilodeau
Materials and Structures 51 (4), 89, 2018
Erosion susceptibility of granular pavement materials
JP Bilodeau, G Dore, P Pierre
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 8 (1), 55-66, 2007
Laboratory evaluation of flexible pavement structures containing geocomposite drainage layers using light weight deflectometer
JP Bilodeau, G Doré, C Savoie
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 43 (2), 162-170, 2015
Estimation of tensile strains at the bottom of asphalt concrete layers under wheel loading using deflection basins from falling weight deflectometer tests
JP Bilodeau, G Doré
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 39 (7), 771-778, 2012
Development of models for the interpretation of the dynamic cone penetrometer data
M Boutet, G Dore, JP Bilodeau, P Pierre
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 12 (03), 201-214, 2011
Mitigation of permanent deformation in base layer containing recycled asphalt aggregates
JP Bilodeau, G Doré, J Depatie
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 40 (2), 181-187, 2013
Laboratory study on the relative performance of treated granular materials used for unpaved roads
P Pierre, JP Bilodeau, G Legere, G Dore
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 35 (6), 624-634, 2008
Analysis model for permanent deformation in granular materials under the action of superheavy vehicles
EL Pérez-González, JP Bilodeau, G Doré
Transportation Geotechnics 28, 100536, 2021
Stress distribution experienced under a portable light-weight deflectometer loading plate
JP Bilodeau, G Doré
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 15 (6), 564-575, 2014
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Articles 1–20