Ademola Adekunle
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Cited by
Advances in the pectin production process using novel extraction techniques: A review
LR Adetunji, A Adekunle, V Orsat, V Raghavan
Food Hydrocolloids 62, 239-250, 2017
Lignocellulosic bioethanol: A review and design conceptualization study of production from cassava peels
A Adekunle, V Orsat, V Raghavan
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 64, Pages 518–530, 2016
On-line monitoring of heavy metals-related toxicity with a microbial fuel cell biosensor
A Adekunle, V Raghavan, B Tartakovsky
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 132, 382-390, 2019
A comparison of microbial fuel cell and microbial electrolysis cell biosensors for real-time environmental monitoring
A Adekunle, V Raghavan, B Tartakovsky
Bioelectrochemistry 126, 105-112, 2019
Socio-economic determinants of agricultural mechanisation in Africa: A research note based on cassava cultivation mechanisation
A Adekunle, P Osazuwa, V Raghavan
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 112, 313-319, 2016
Helping agribusinesses—Small millets value chain—To grow in India
A Adekunle, D Lyew, V Orsat, V Raghavan
Agriculture 8 (3), 44, 2018
Carbon source and energy harvesting optimization in solid anolyte microbial fuel cells
A Adekunle, V Raghavan, B Tartakovsky
Journal of Power Sources 356, 324-330, 2017
Microbial fuel cell soft sensor for real-time toxicity detection and monitoring
A Adekunle, A Gomez Vidales, L Woodward, B Tartakovsky
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 12792-12802, 2021
Exploring the integration of bioelectrochemical systems and hydroponics: Possibilities, challenges, and innovations
S Wang, A Adekunle, V Raghavan
Journal of Cleaner Production 366, 132855, 2022
Online monitoring of heavy metal–related toxicity using flow-through and floating microbial fuel cell biosensors
A Adekunle, C Rickwood, B Tartakovsky
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192, 1-12, 2020
Bioelectrochemical systems-based metal removal and recovery from wastewater and polluted soil: Key factors, development, and perspective
S Wang, A Adekunle, V Raghavan
Journal of Environmental Management 317, 115333, 2022
Wastewater treatment and online chemical oxygen demand estimation in a cascade of microbial fuel cells
D Recio-Garrido, A Adekunle, M Perrier, V Raghavan, B Tartakovsky
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 56 (44), 12471-12478, 2017
Energy recovery from cassava peels in a single-chamber microbial fuel cell
A Adekunle, Y Gariepy, D Lyew, V Raghavan
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 38 …, 2016
Evaluation of the suitability and performance of cassava waste (peel) extracts in a microbial fuel cell for supplementary and sustainable energy production
A Adekunle, V Raghavan
Waste Management & Research 35 (1), 47-55, 2017
Synthesizing developments in the usage of solid organic matter in microbial fuel cells: A review
S Wang, A Adekunle, B Tartakovsky, V Raghavan
Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 8, 100140, 2021
Real-time performance optimization and diagnostics during long-term operation of a solid anolyte microbial fuel cell biobattery
A Adekunle, V Raghavan, B Tartakovsky
Batteries 5 (1), 9, 2019
On-line monitoring of water quality with a floating microbial fuel cell biosensor: field test results
A Adekunle, C Rickwood, B Tartakovsky
Ecotoxicology 30, 851-862, 2021
The exploitation of bio-electrochemical system and microplastics removal: Possibilities and perspectives
S Wang, A Hadji-Thomas, A Adekunle, V Raghavan
Science of The Total Environment, 172737, 2024
The role of hydroponic microbial fuel cell in the reduction of methane emission from rice plants
S Wang, Y Gariepy, A Adekunle, V Raghavan
Electrochimica Acta 450, 142229, 2023
Effective and Economical 3D Carbon Sponge with Carbon Nanoparticles as Floating Air Cathode for Sustainable Electricity Production in Microbial Fuel Cells
S Wang, Y Gariepy, A Adekunle, V Raghavan
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 196 (4), 1820-1839, 2024
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Articles 1–20