christopher g davis
christopher g davis
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Making sense of loss and benefiting from the experience: two construals of meaning.
CG Davis, S Nolen-Hoeksema, J Larson
Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (2), 561, 1998
Childhood adversity and adult psychiatric disorder in the US National Comorbidity Survey
RC Kessler, CG Davis, KS Kendler
Psychological medicine 27 (5), 1101-1119, 1997
" Thanks for sharing that": ruminators and their social support networks.
S Nolen-Hoeksema, CG Davis
Journal of personality and social psychology 77 (4), 801, 1999
Searching for meaning in loss: Are clinical assumptions correct?
CG Davis, CB Wortman, DR Lehman, RC & Silver
Death Studies 24 (6), 497-540, 2000
Social desirability biases in self-reported alcohol consumption and harms
CG Davis, J Thake, N Vilhena
Addictive behaviors 35 (4), 302-311, 2010
The familial aggregation of common psychiatric and substance use disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey: a family history study
KS Kendler, CG Davis, RC Kessler
The British Journal of Psychiatry 170 (6), 541-548, 1997
The undoing of traumatic life events
CG Davis, DR Lehman, CB Wortman, RC Silver, SC Thompson
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 21 (2), 109-124, 1995
Loss and meaning: How do people make sense of loss?
CG Davis, S Nolen-Hoeksema
American Behavioral Scientist 44 (5), 726-741, 2001
Positive and negative life changes following bereavement and their relations to adjustment
DR Lehman, CG Davis, A DeLongis, CB Wortman, S Bluck, DR Mandel, ...
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 12 (1), 90-112, 1993
Social capital, health and life satisfaction in 50 countries
FJ Elgar, CG Davis, MJ Wohl, SJ Trites, JM Zelenski, MS Martin
Health & place 17 (5), 1044-1053, 2011
Theoretical and methodological issues in the assessment and interpretation of posttraumatic growth
S Nolen-Hoeksema, CG Davis
Psychological Inquiry 15 (1), 60-64, 2004
Positive responses to loss: Perceiving benefits and growth.
S Nolen-Hoeksema, CG Davis
Oxford University Press, 2002
Self-blame following a traumatic event: The role of perceived avoidability
CG Davis, DR Lehman, RC Silver, CB Wortman, JH Ellard
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 22 (6), 557-567, 1996
Profiles of posttraumatic growth following an unjust loss
CG Davis, MJA Wohl, N Verberg
Death Studies 31 (8), 693-712, 2007
The tormented and the transformed: Understanding responses to loss and trauma.
CG Davis
American Psychological Association, 2001
How do people grow from their experience with trauma or loss?
CG Davis, JM McKearney
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 22 (5), 477-492, 2003
The consequences of financial stress for individuals, families, and society
CG Davis, J Mantler
Centre for Research on Stress, Coping and Well-being. Carleton University …, 2004
" Learning to live with what you can't rise above": control beliefs, symptom control, and adjustment to tinnitus.
FM Sirois, CG Davis, MS Morgan
Health Psychology 25 (1), 119, 2006
Counterfactual thinking and coping with traumatic life events
CG Davis, DR Lehman
What might have been, 353-374, 2014
Financial strain, social capital, and perceived health during economic recession: a longitudinal survey in rural Canada
C Frank, CG Davis, FJ Elgar
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 27 (4), 422-438, 2014
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